Need help motivating myself!!!

shaunsxx Posts: 6 Member
Hi everyone !!! Have read some of your amazing weight loss stories, I'm 21 and weigh in at 151 lbs I need to loose 40lbs. My biggest problems is food when im hungry I just eat the nearest and quickest thing I can find. I have 3 meals a day pretty health and calorie count I don't tend to go over my calories and I attended gym 3 times a week but I just don't see me shifting any of this excsess weight !!!. Any ideas ?!

Thanks you :)


  • LeoL87
    LeoL87 Posts: 127 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi Shaun, what do you mean by quickest what do your 3 meals consist of?
    do you drink soda (pop)?
  • shaunsxx
    shaunsxx Posts: 6 Member
    So for breakfast ill have weetabix & milk
    lunch salad
    but dinner ill have fish and chips cause I get to tired around dinner time to cok anything !!
    or ill have chocolate to help me get on with my day and I need to get out of that routine

    No I usually drink water and lemon , sometime ill drink coke zero .

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    sign up for a race. that'll keep you motivated to train and eat right.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited April 2015
    Its hard to make sense of your post. Your problems as you explained are:

    You get hungry= either what you are eating isnt making you feel full.= eat food that will make you feel full.
    You have no organisation or self control so as soon as you get hungry you eat whatever= Organise it so you have healthy food available or make sure you dont get hungry or leanr some willpower to wait till you cna eat soemthing more appropriate.

    The reason you are not losing is because you are not at a calorific deficit, normally becayse you are eating more hna you think and burning less. master your deficit and you will lose, simple as that. This is how weight loss works. Read the thread. Its knowledge you need a the moment.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Try having a prep day. Cook up a giant bunch of rice, grilled chicken, chop up raw veggies, etc. Then you can just grab it out of the fridge and heat it up. (or even eat it cold). Usually fast food is because it is convenient. So make eating healthy convenient. :)
  • shaunsxx
    shaunsxx Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you and i shall read thread.
  • shaunsxx
    shaunsxx Posts: 6 Member
    That's a great idea I could do that instead of ordering a take away. tthanks people
  • kingskullie
    kingskullie Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with DianaLovesCoffee. Cooking up some rice, grilled chicken, and veggies is not only a good healthy meal, it's also easy to make and you can easily make extra so you have some on hand that you eat when you get the craving to eat. Get some small containers that you put your food in and it will be like controlling the portions you are eating as well

    But just eating right is not all you need to do. You should definitely incorporate some exercise. Starting by simply going for a walk is very beneficial. And as Capt_Apollo said, sign up for a race.