Please help me! With slimming world!

Hi everyone, I have just weighed from my second week. (I lost 2lbs in my first week). I food optimised 100% and gave it everything. I have maintained!!! Has this happened to anyone else, as you can imagine, I am feeling really rather rubbish and I really just want to give up!


  • cmnstr
    cmnstr Posts: 5 Member
    Giving up would be easy, but then all your hard work would be wasted. Keep going you can do this!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I say you are still adjusting to the deficit and you lost water weight and a weeeeee bit of weight the first week. not enough to tip the scales.

  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Have I not lost before? Absolutely. I wish everyone would lose (or gain) as they wanted to, but that's not the case. Make sure you're eating under the calories calculated for you, weigh your food (more accurate than measuring), and just keep going and the weight will start falling again. :smiley:
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited April 2015
    Do you count your calories and weigh and measure all your food?

    Slimming World eating plans seem suspect at best:
    Far too generous to be called a diet, Food Optimizing – Slimming World’s eating plan – gives you unlimited food to fill up on – we call it Free Food. Food like pasta, lean meat, fish and poultry, vegetables, fruit, potatoes, and rice, eggs – yep, you really can eat to satisfy your appetite – no counting, no weighing, no worries.

    Eat all the pasta, meat, potatoes, fruit and rice you want? Please. They are basically saying you can eat unlimited calories of all of those foods and you won't gain weight? Utter nonsense.
  • Naomi_brfc
    Naomi_brfc Posts: 4 Member
    Well, I try to limit carbs because I find they bloat me, but i've been eating loads of fruit and veg, I seem to be ridiculously hungry. I don't have a huge amount to lose, probably only 14lbs, but still a lb a week would be nice!
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Naomi_brfc wrote: »
    Well, I try to limit carbs because I find they bloat me, but i've been eating loads of fruit and veg, I seem to be ridiculously hungry. I don't have a huge amount to lose, probably only 14lbs, but still a lb a week would be nice!

    Okay, but do you count your calories and weigh and measure your food?

    Calories from fruit can add up quick, so if you aren't counting them, you are likely eating more than you think.
  • Naomi_brfc
    Naomi_brfc Posts: 4 Member
    Not been counting calories, I just assumed going for fruit was the best option :/
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Naomi_brfc wrote: »
    Not been counting calories, I just assumed going for fruit was the best option :/

    Sorry to say, if you aren't counting calories, you're eating more than you think. A couple pieces of fruit is another couple hundred calories. Weight loss is all about consuming fewer calories than you burn. To know how many calories you're consuming, you've got to count. And to get the most accurate count, it really helps to weigh all your food, at least at the start.

    I'd recommend setting your MFP goal to .5lb/week and inputting all your data and get a calorie goal. Then buy a food scale (they're like $10 on amazon) and weighing and logging you food for a few weeks. That will give you a better picture of what your calorie needs are, and how much you should be eating to lose weight.