Want to lose around 120 pounds.

Hey guys I'm new here and I hope being on mfp and finding people on the same journey can be a great help. Its rough ditching all the junk foods that I love but I can do it. I hope to find many great people on the same path as me. Let's do this together.


  • jandukes2015
    jandukes2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks. Yeah Pepsi is my worst enemy right now.
  • NJbabe
    NJbabe Posts: 113 Member
    Try drinking sparkling water instead... If you find it "tasteless", try the naturally flavored ones they sell at Whole Foods (if there is one near you.)

    It's perfectly refreshing and has no added sugar, coloring or calories.
  • jandukes2015
    jandukes2015 Posts: 4 Member
    That sounds great, I will try that trick. Thank you very much.
  • Feistychick68
    Feistychick68 Posts: 301 Member
    Hi Jan feel free to add me I joined this past Friday and also need to lose around 70 pounds.
  • UrbanUrsula
    UrbanUrsula Posts: 6 Member
    Hi ya I've got 105lb to lose. I'm here if you need the support
  • Annapululu
    Annapululu Posts: 6 Member
    Hey I just re-joined recently and I'm trying to lose 100 lbs. Feel free to add me
  • MoonCatKDT
    MoonCatKDT Posts: 33 Member
    I have 100 pounds to lose too! I'm just starting to look into the forums here but have been using MFP for a few weeks now! You are welcome to add me too :)
  • fattestbloke73
    fattestbloke73 Posts: 5 Member
    Any chance a chap could join, I reckon I have about 154lbs to lose to be at the bottom end of obese hahaha, bmi of 47 currently so I could do with an *kitten* kicking from time time
  • UrianaZeta
    UrianaZeta Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Jan
    I am new here, but I also have well over 100 pounds to lose. I would love to have more friends who have a road as long as mine to travel! Add me!
  • BreR7906
    BreR7906 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone. I am only about a week in but I am definitely in it for the long haul! My (final) goal is to lose 80lbs but if I could lose 70lbs I'd be happy with that. More would be great!! Feel free to add me for support! Good luck on your journeys!
  • kimberq1
    kimberq1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there. I have about 130 pounds left to lose. I have never reached out to a community before, but have been using the app for a bit. Need the group support, would love to encourage and be encouraged. It's never to late.
  • MeganBloom
    MeganBloom Posts: 2 Member
    I've been here about a week and a half and am aiming for about 140 lbs (half my body weight) off at least initially. It's good to see so many other people in it for the long haul as well. Feel free to talk to me.
  • Dolly_32
    Dolly_32 Posts: 1 Member
    First day on here today and im aiming for 90 pounds so i can qualify for a breast reduction. Im such a noob when it comes to healthy food! Im trying to eat smaller meals, move more and cut out snacks completly. Would be great to have people to talk to who are on the sam journey!
  • tthoma5201
    tthoma5201 Posts: 63 Member
    I have about 120 lbs. left to lose too! You can add me if you want. Good Luck!
  • chrst793
    chrst793 Posts: 26 Member
    I just started back yesterday and I want to lose at least 60 pounds. I would love to have friends like you and all of these to help motivate me and to help motivate you. Please feel free to add me.
  • WorkinNurse
    WorkinNurse Posts: 17 Member
    I started back again and need to lose almost 100 lbs. Sigh.. Only looking at 10 pound increments! LOL :)
  • Chewitz
    Chewitz Posts: 217 Member
    Hey :)

    I'm new too

    Good luck with your weight loss

    I've also to loose over 100 lbs
  • sperrygrass
    sperrygrass Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all. Just started today and also have over 100 lbs. to lose. Please add me as I love friends. We can all do this together!
  • Lizadizzle
    Lizadizzle Posts: 35 Member
    Late, as usual, to the party - but anyone can add me also. I'm down 10 so far after about 3 weeks. I don't expect to keep losing this quickly, but I'll take it while I can lol :smiley: Got about 119 more to go *confetti* hew hew hew lol :)
  • MyWeigh94
    MyWeigh94 Posts: 28 Member
    My goal is to lose a total 190 lbs. I've lost 51 lbs so far so I've got 139 left to go! And i welcome everyone who wants to add me on this long journey!