
Hi my name is Kourtney and I just gave birth to my baby in February. It's been just over 2 months now and I want to start losing more weight. The first 3 weeks after giving birth I had lost 30lbs which was all the weight I gained while pregnant. I was shocked! I had a lot of water weight tho and I has preeclampsia.
Here is my worry. I am exclusively breastfeeding my baby and I am trying to lose weight. I want to know how this can be done with out destroying my supply. Where do I begin!?


  • LCurry822
    LCurry822 Posts: 8 Member

    I am in the exact boat your in. I had my fourth baby in February and I to am exclusively breastfeeding. From what I've learned is to erecent when hungry and to eat nutrient rich foods. And to start working lightly until you know for sure that you can do a regular work out routine.
    I workout 6 days a week and only eat when hungry nothing more or less. My routine consist of an hour of military marches, 40 mountain climbers, 40 squats, 40 butt kickers, 20 side lunges each leg, 20 leg raises each leg, 100 crunches, and 2 minute shadow boxing. It has been helping me gain muscle and burn fat fast.
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    If you're breastfeeding, health is your priority, both your's and your baby's. Start with a balanced diet. Fruits, veggies, lean proteins (turkey, chicken, greek yogourt, beans, lentils) and go moderately on the carbs. You should add around 200 calories to your day to make up for breastfeeding. For example, my maintenance is 1800 calories/day so while breastfeeding I would eat 1950 and I still managed to lose 5 lbs in 3 months. You might think that is too slow, but it's the perfect rate. Losing too fast while breastfeeding will liberate toxins in your milk that could be harmful to your baby.
    While breastfeeding, I kept my exercice low impact (I have large breasts, didn't want to make them any more droopy lol) So I walked everyday with the stroller and did a bit of pilates for the first 9 months. Then at 10 months, baby decided breastfeeding was enough and I soon started running and doing more stuff. She'll be turning 2 in June and I've lost 34 lbs.
    Feel free to add me! I log everyday :)
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm just getting back to it after having my daughter 3/17. I'm on a pretty restrictive diet though because of her food allergies. They found she was allergic to milk and soy but because of the colic and bloody stools I just removed all the main allergies that can be passed through milk (dairy, soy, corn, wheat, peanut and egg). I know I'll get backlash that it isn't all necessary but for the health and comfort of my daughter I will do the restrictions. Besides, it still leaves a very healthy variety of foods to eat! Anyone is welcome to add me. I haven't been cleared for exercise yet post c-section (hurry up May 22nd!). Uterine infection pushed it back on me!