More protein needed

i am continually going over on my carbs and not having enough protein, don't really have time to cook eggs etc for breakfast in the morning. So, have any of you lovely people got any recommendations (we generally eat chicken every day) and it needs to be child friendly really as I want them to be eating a healthy balanced meal too (ages 4 to 10).

Many thanks in advance


  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    0% fat greek yoghurt is good. You can add fruit, or honey etc!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Bulk bake frittata - load it up with vegies, eggs and whites to suit your macros, perhaps some cheese and meat (sausage, ham etc). You can eat it cold or hot, for breakfast lunch or dinner, and it's freezable.

    Or Chia pudding with protein stirred through for something sweet. You can make a big batch at the beginning of the week and keep it in the fridge. You could leave the protein out if you don't think the kids need it, and add it for yourself every day.
  • Millymolly2015
    Millymolly2015 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks Joanne's, I shall try that :smile:
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Very high in protein: Fish, beef, pork, turkey, bison, venison, lamb, whey

    Adequate amount of protein: Beans, quinoa, milk, cheese, legumes, nuts, Greek yogurt

    You can also get protein bars
  • rawk_fairy_666
    rawk_fairy_666 Posts: 103 Member
    Could you hardboil eggs the night before? This is what I do, then I can eat them with no prep in the morning.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Beef Jerky
    Greek Yogurt
  • keithcw_the_first
    keithcw_the_first Posts: 382 Member
    Cottage cheese - especially the nonfat. I want to say it has around 15g per serving. I'd also like to second making batches of hard-boiled eggs, and then of course for you personally whey protein is always an option.
  • jontucc
    jontucc Posts: 142 Member
    My kids like tuna and cheese toasted in the sandwich press. Yum.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    I have the exact opposite problem!!! My Diary is open
  • Mungwee
    Mungwee Posts: 8 Member
    I microwave my eggs... from start to eating it's less than 2 minutes!
  • Mungwee
    Mungwee Posts: 8 Member
    I have the exact opposite problem!!! My Diary is open

    Thanks for sharing. Love the idea of tuna for breakfast. That would go good with my alvacado smash toast!
  • Mungwee
    Mungwee Posts: 8 Member
    Lots of great ideas. I have the same problem. Thanks for sharing!
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Egg muffins! You can find all kinds of recipes online. They are easily changed up and you can freeze them. Just wrap individually in plastic wrap and then in foil.

    They heat up well in the microwave and are great on the go.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Boil eggs on Sunday, eat them throughout the week.
    Cottage cheese
  • Millymolly2015
    Millymolly2015 Posts: 8 Member
    Oh, thanks everyone :-) I have started having poached egg and have introduced Greek yoghurt to my diet :-) now I'm having too much oops.

    I still need to cut down on my carbs though :-( I don't really eat much bread
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Oh, thanks everyone :-) I have started having poached egg and have introduced Greek yoghurt to my diet :-) now I'm having too much oops.

    I still need to cut down on my carbs though :-( I don't really eat much bread

    why do you need to cut down on carbs? Are you on some sort of low carb diet?
  • SweatLikeDog
    SweatLikeDog Posts: 273 Member
    i am continually going over on my carbs and not having enough protein, don't really have time to cook eggs etc for breakfast in the morning.

    Many thanks in advance

    1 egg in my microwave takes 35 seconds, 2 eggs take 55 seconds. 8 eggs scrambled with a slice or two of cheese takes me 2 minutes on a frying pan that took 2 minutes to warm up. Toss a few slices of ham on top. Bon apetit.

  • barryplumber
    barryplumber Posts: 401 Member
    Make up a batch of deviled eggs to eat as a snack
  • lovethepirk
    lovethepirk Posts: 41 Member
    5 minutes....

    -Turn stove on, put pan on it
    -Put two slices of bread in toaster
    -Grab butter and eggs from fridge
    -Crack 4 eggs and remove yolks
    -Butter pan, toss in egg whites
    -Eggs done in 45 seconds
    -Dump eggs on plate
    -Grab toast and butter.

    Inhale food and enjoy!

    -Wash dishes

    Even if this took 20 minutes you are worth the time. Good eating isn't simple. Hell, the most time I spend is keeping the dishes clean, the cooking is the easy part.
  • spat095
    spat095 Posts: 105 Member
    If you're not really into eggs on their own, I have a breakfast idea to share. I add two egg whites to my (dry) oatmeal and stir it before adding skim milk and microwaving it. It just adds volume and texture to the dish, you can't really taste the egg much, and for very few calories you add lots of protein.