new here.. 2 months gone from 15.8% body fat to 10%

Hi, I'm trying to find people wanting same outcome. I've lost the body fat now trying to add muscle. I would like to maintain 8% body fat. Any help.


  • timwaagh
    timwaagh Posts: 15 Member
    haha yeah i'd like the same. but i still have some to get rid off before i'm close to that range. what method do you use to measure your body fat %?
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    I doubt you're going to maintain 8-10% while building muscle. Don't be shy to go over to the section dealing with Weight Gain and ask some questions.
  • tysonhill80
    tysonhill80 Posts: 8 Member
    I get a body composition scan done once a month. It's called ' in body 570 body composition analysis' it tells you everything. Very helpful. I've just increased my cal's. I try to eat 250 less than I burn. I also use a fit bit hr tracker. My cal's are 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat. It only eat clean food.
  • tysonhill80
    tysonhill80 Posts: 8 Member
    It can be done Tim, as long as your diet is right. The scan I get tells you if your gaining muscle or fat. If you don't eat enough you burn muscle up, if you eat to much you gain fat. Sugar is to be avoided. I'm also weight training 5 times a week, I do a very light jog 3 times a week. Talk to a suppliment store for advice on proteins, amino acids. Etc. They are all needed to gain mescle.