Trying not to get down...

I have always been a bigger person... At my highest weight I was a senior in high school at 220 pounds.... In 2013 I was trying on bathing suits BAWLING as I looked at myself in the mirror, I had to do something... I had already dropped down to around 180 but I still was just miserable. I started working out and counting my calories and got all the way down to 137. THEN I FAILED.... My grandfather (who meant the world to me) passed away and I just lost all of my motivation to work out and just didn't wanna do anything at all...

I have been more depressed that ever in my life. I have let myself get back up to around 153 and I need some help and advice from anyone who has been in my shoes... I try to work out 6 days a week for at least an hour at a time.. (sometimes more if I can) but my eating is unacceptable. I eat healthy, fruits, veggies, fish, chicken, very little bread, no candy or cakes, but I over eat. Just need to make friends and get a little support.

I am trying to get to my goal weight of 120 to 125 pounds
I am 5'6"

I just wanna be happy again :(


  • DeFYneME
    DeFYneME Posts: 97 Member
    If I look at it... from 220 you're down to 153... Which is Fabulous!
    I'm sending you a friend request... Hope I can help you.
  • aliciam0416
    aliciam0416 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you... :)
  • Jimsterintexas
    Jimsterintexas Posts: 53 Member
    I'm adding you, if that's ok.
  • ryokinai
    ryokinai Posts: 15 Member
    Are you drinking enough water and things? I know that doing that helps curb my appetite though I'm eating healthy as well.
    I'll send you a friend request as well.
    Remember, you've come a long way already, you can do this.
  • sillymom22
    sillymom22 Posts: 1 Member
    I say that you are already a success! You have hit a speed bump, but have caught yourself before it has gotten out of control. Take it one day, one meal at a time. Set small goals, track everything and don't give up!
  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    you will get there!!! you've done an awesome job so far....get back on the wagon and don't give up.....the motivation here is amazing.....feel free to add me....I'm here every day....I'm trying those last few pounds too....I'm trying to get into the 120's again, then the ultimate goal is 120lb....I'm 5'3"....45 years old (on Monday!!) and right now I'm 137lb.....grrrrrr.....let's do it together!!!
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    Hello Ali....

    First of all so sorry to hear about your grand dad.......mine too was my best friend...he died 22 yrs ago now.... but that was a really hard time in my I know what your feeling....

    I also lost my Gran last year, (Grand dads wife) these 2 virtually brought me up as a child....and have been a massive part of my life for ever......My gran took ill 12 yrs ago and I then became her carer....she lived alone still but needed help....then 5 yrs ago she took a tturn for the worse and we moved her into our house........she was given 6 months.....5 yrs later she pasted back end of last year.......That was hard.......

    For me I have taken this time as an opportunity to now look after ME........its time I did something about the fact I have always been a BIG man.....or a fat fooker as I call

    So starting in Jan I came back to MFP and started again.....(I lost 5 stone 4 yrs ago on here)........I am 21 lbs down and going strong........

    I have no excuses now so its time to look after has also helped me to think of other things than my Gran........who I still miss every day.....

    Please feel free to add me if you need to chat / vent or just for some support on here I am a good listener and tell things as I see it...........but I will warn you.....I am not the usual MFP type.......My head is wired differently to most....and I always like to have a bit of fun and a laugh in my posts.......some people find me too also diary delve........I class myself as my friends list police.....I WILL check your diary....and I WILL call you out if your slacking..........all in good fun....but I don't do whoop whoops if your 1000 over for the day.....I will give WTF'

    If you think that sort of help is needed then feel free to add......

    If not...I wish you good luck, and a happy future......the old time is a great healer *kitten* really is the truth....keep the happy memories with you......and try not to dwell on the negatives........I am sure your Grand dad would only want you to be happy and not be sad over him......

    Take care...

  • urbanhippy1
    urbanhippy1 Posts: 3 Member
    You should be proud of yourself for already losing so much weight! I used to be a yoyo dieter but I found the only thing that has truly worked for me is regular work outs and cutting out the processed foods. When you reach a plateau try to increase your weights during your workout, in the last couple of months I've added weight lifting to my routine and noticed huge results- everything just tightened up. Also increase your fiber, (its pushes everything through your gut faster and reduces the absorption of fat) the easiest way to do this is with vegetables and fruit, when I'm trying to slim down I include 2 big handfuls of mixed greens in with my meals, like in a smoothie or as bed of salad under my meal (chicken, fish ect). I know this is really cliche but don't get down on your body and be sad that it's not the "perfect" size, you've already won the battle, being 153 is healthy for your height, losing a couple of vanity pounds will just be the cherry on top :)
  • aliciam0416
    aliciam0416 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all so much, Jon you had me all teary eyed lol... I appreciate all our words and I am dedicated... my husband has always supported me but he doesn't understand how it feels to be a bigger person... I think this site might be just what I need ☺
  • Kiku10
    Kiku10 Posts: 66 Member
    153 at your height - not bad at all. You've probably got residual pain of having been unmanageably heavy and depressed. Keep going!
  • corina150
    corina150 Posts: 7 Member
    It doesn't sound like you failed at all! To lose tht much and gain a little back isn't bad. And you've done before so you can do it now. Add me and maybe we can help eachother out - Corina
  • aliciam0416
    aliciam0416 Posts: 10 Member
    Absolutely girl ☺