:) Eating clean journey

VikkilLee Posts: 5 Member
I've always loved working out. Maintaining my body physique and staying fit was never a challenge for me but then I realized I wanted more... I wanted to tone and I wanted hardcore abs and I wanted a nice lifted butt and better arms... And who doesn't want to lose inches on their stomach? I realized all of this was only going to be possible by changing my eating habits! :)


  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Your motivation is great, but when you’re aiming for butt/waist/arm shape goals, eating habits don’t matter. What matters is lifting heavy weights to get awesome muscles.

    Eating “clean” is in no way necessary. I’m losing weight and getting fit and had ice cream for dessert last night. It was glorious. I highly recommend you check out Strong Curves, a weight lifting program especially targeted at getting even more awesome derrieres. It sounds like the right fit for you.
  • VikkilLee
    VikkilLee Posts: 5 Member
    I Normally lift heavy weights but I haven't seen much results, I may be doing something wrong? I met a personal trainer who advised me to eat cleaner lol but if I could just workout and eat what I wanted that would be awesome! I will definitely go check out that out!
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    What does your trainer mean to "eat cleaner"? If he/she wasn't any more specific than that, it's a meaningless string of words.

  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited May 2015
    You totally can, seriously. But don’t take my word for it, have a look around here in the success stories section and such. Trainers say so much nonsense. There are a ton of women here who lift heavy and only mind their macros. In fact, you get the most benefit from a heavy lifting program is you do a bulk / cut phase (check out the “Gaining” section of the forum if you’re curious).

    What lifting program do you use, and what are your current stats (weight, height)? The best results, in my observation, are with programs using free weights and compound lifts like squats or deadlifts. Weighed squats are magical for one’s bum.

    Check out @sardelsa’s blog here for an example of lifting and results (hope she doesn’t mind me sharing it!)
  • VikkilLee
    VikkilLee Posts: 5 Member
    My bf always talks about "if it fits your macros" and I'm finally starting to understand what that means. Thanks a lot! All of that info is so helpful! You seem to know what you're talking about :) and well right now I'm weighing 128 and I'm 5"5. I haven't looked into any lifting programs, I literally just workout. I just today started for the month of May to try and eat healthy and workout more. My goal is to lose a little bit of weight so that I can look more ripped I guess you can say. This is a pic of me now and I'm trying to I guess shred or whatever it's called lokrvewkni610p1.jpg
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Hey no problem @Emilia777 more than happy to share my results. Keep in mind OP those results in my blog were after a bulk.... lifting heavy + caloric surplus to add mass.

    How long have you been lifting? Are you following a progressive program? If not you may want to switch to a program.. Strong Curves, Strong Lifts, NROLFW etc. esp if you aren't seeing results.
  • VikkilLee
    VikkilLee Posts: 5 Member
    I've been working out for about a year but nothing extreme just a little cardio here and here and some machines at the Rec at my college. But I just recently started lifting with heavy weights about a month or 2 ago. I'm not following any programs I actually am new to all of this and am barley gaining knowledge on all of it
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited May 2015
    There are many people here who know their stuff a lot better than I do, but thank you - there’s always so much to learn. It does drive me crazy to see certain myths perpetuated though. Eating clean. Pfft. As long as I get lots of protein (~120g/day for me), I’m a happy camper.

    You look really lean to me (I’m 5’4” and 130), so if I were you I’d start focusing on weight lifting rather than cardio and all that. From what I’ve seen, if you want substantial results the best way to go is a progressive weight training program based on the classic compound exercises (deadlift, squats, etc). Free weights give better results than machines, IMO, because they make you use your entire body rather than isolated muscles. In other words, I second sardelsa. Do a bit of reading, check out some programs, see what might tempt you.

    Your heavy lifting options are as follows:
    (1) lift while eating at a caloric deficit: you will gain strength, but no muscle (aside from newbie gains, i.e. muscle gains for people who haven’t lifted before); especially useful to maintain muscle mass while losing weight
    (2) lift while eating at your maintenance (aka recomp): you will lose some fat and gain some muscle, but at a very slow rate
    (3) lift while eating at a surplus (aka bulk): eat more calories than you burn, to gain muscle mass at a faster pace than a recomp; because you also gain some fat (ideally in a 1:1 ratio), you’d thenthen eat in a deficit to cut the fat and reveal your awesome new muscles in all their glory

    Anyone feel free to correct me or pitch in - this is as I understand it. I’m doing (1), because I want to lose some more fat before I do (3). I can’t wait to do (3) :love: . I use Starting Strength. There’s a bodybuilding thread detailing the program here, and if you want to see what all those exercises look like, check out this exercise database with videos and descriptions (note that there’s usually a male and female version).

    I hope all this makes sense - if you’ve got questions, ask away!
  • suespratley
    suespratley Posts: 5 Member
    I am not certain how to get started in a group. Does one just post and that is it?