Weight loss

good evening everyone my name is santos and I'm here for the challenge to lose 40 pounds I started it 4 days ago and I already lost 3 pounds


  • crazychris1217
    crazychris1217 Posts: 10 Member
    Congratz bro! Just started today
  • darcelchoy
    darcelchoy Posts: 89 Member
    Yay! My goal is 50, good luck to you!
  • angelvon
    angelvon Posts: 1 Member
    Well my goal is 20 already lost 8.5 .I hurt my lower back neck and shoulder Amos 6 month ago and I gain by 15 pounds. Now I some steroid shoots and scare to gain more weight. I do working very hard to keep my mouth close and under 10000 calories a day.good luck to all of you and we have to take one day at the time .