can anyone help?

mennie1980 Posts: 15 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I was hoping someone could take a look at my food and exercise and tell me where I am going wrong

I have been in MFP for one week, but following the same diet for 4 weeks and have only lost 1 lb

I am 5ft and weigh 8.12


  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    You have to open your diary then we can take a look at it!
  • mennie1980
    mennie1980 Posts: 15 Member
    done thanks
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member glad to take a look but your diary is locked. You will have to make it public. What is your current weight?
  • mennie1980
    mennie1980 Posts: 15 Member
    I have unlocked it now

    I weigh 8 stone 12
  • TaraKitty
    TaraKitty Posts: 1
    It might have to do with WHAT you are eating or your portion size....
    I didn't look at your food plan, but my big difference came when I changed my portion size and what I was eating....

    I started eating chicken that I had cooked at home with salt free seasoning...
    And my veggies and/or salads took up more of my plate than my chicken did...
    I cut out my carbs/breads/pastas almost completely because I was a total carb junky....

    And I don't completely deny myself sweets, but instead of having a BOWL of ice cream, I might have 2 small cookies...or, if I am out in public, I will get a kid size ice cream cone or something SMALL....
    But if you deny yourself the stuff you like, you are more likely to binge eat and crash off your diet....
    Lifestyle change...! Not a "diet"

    I don't know what kind of exercise you are doing, but I have found that if I just walk every evening or bike ride or SOMETHING every night, I have acheived better goals than if I totally kill myself once or twice a week at the gym....

    I don't know if that helps you any of not, but here is my sucess story....and I just found MFP recently and am hoping it will help me loose the rest of what I want to loose!!!

    Around Christmas time, I weighed in over 200 lbs...I have very fine wrists and bones, so over 200 lbs is WAY heavy....I was wearing about a size 20-22...
    Currently, I am weighing in about 146ish and am wearing about a size 10...
    I haven't been this small since HIGH SCHOOL and am totally thrilled!!!!! I am only about 5'2" so I could loose about another 20 lbs and be within my ideal range....My dr is thrilled and so is my family....

    If you have any questions, you may feel free to email me back!
  • paced2day
    paced2day Posts: 55
    The difference for me is how often I eat. I don't know if you try the -skip a meal to have more calories later- type thing but bodies hold on to food if they think they are not going to get any for a while. When my progress slows down I have to say 'did I eat often enough'? Was I trying to save calories for dinner? Did I skip out on water? Then its just minor changes to get my weight loss rolling again. It would be better to go over calories by eating fruit/veggie/lean protein snacks between every meal than to be under calories having only one high cal meal in a day. Anyway- may seem strange but I have years of observations from a professional dance company to back it up. One way works, one doesn't.
  • mennie1980
    mennie1980 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks, I never skip meals and eat healthy and plenty of exercise. Just dont understand why its not working
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Ok, not familiar with how stones convert to lbs. Do you have a lot to lose or 20 lbs or less. I took a lot at your diary and it looks like to me you need to be eating a little more. Make sure you are eating at least 1200 calories a day and on days your exercise, eat some of those back too. My diary is open if you want to view it, of course, it's not perfect by any means lol. Also looks like you exercise most days and that's great! The main thing is just to make sure you are logging everything correctly and drinking lots of water. If you are getting down closer to your ideal weight, you may have to do some adjusting or change things up, different types of exercise, etc so your body doesn't know what to expect. Let me know if I can help you further. Best of luck to you:)
  • Booots233
    Booots233 Posts: 45
    well if you go to a work out place and work out as well as eat the right food it will help. my mom and i are starting that:) so yea, i wish you luck,
  • mennie1980
    mennie1980 Posts: 15 Member
    I weigh 124lbs and want to drop 10lbs
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Ok that explains why it isn't going to come off fast because you don't have that much to lose but it will happen for you. Just keep doing what you are doing (I know, it gets annoying) but the weight will come off with persistance and effort:) So far I haven't hit the dreaded plateau yet but I know it's coming because I'm getting down to the final 10 lbs. Do all sorts of different exercises to trick your body lol. I know a lot of people have great success with zig zagging calories....just something to think about.
  • mennie1980
    mennie1980 Posts: 15 Member
    thanks :)
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    I think you might be eating too many calories. I did a test at the site below for you making you slightly active at 124 and 5' tall and it's saying to maintain your weight you need 1700 calories. So to loose a pound a week I think you need to be around 1200 calories a day. Just don't go below that and you should loose weight faster and still be safe and healthy.
  • mennie1980
    mennie1980 Posts: 15 Member
    I am sticking to 1200 when i am not working out, but I work out every day and I thought I should be eating back my work out calories?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I really don't think you need to drop your calories - when you don't have much to lose your body is going to respond more slowly regardless. As long as you are logging food and exercise reasonable accurately then I would say those numbers look good. And yes, I think you should eat your exercise cals, otherwise you will be dropping too low.

    Overall your diary looks pretty good. If you can reduce the biscuits and sweets a little it would probably better - see if you can replace them with almonds or hommous and veges sticks for some of the snacks anyway. I don't think you need to drop them all together (I haven't!) but am trying to stick to one sweet/processed treat a day and make the other snacks more natural and nutritious.

    Keep up the good work, and give it time to kick in before you make changes.
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