Brutally honest and to the point!

Hey guys and girls,

Well done for all getting this far it's the start of a new you!

I've been on here for awhile lost 40lbs and greatly improved my fitness. I then had a baby so needless to say I'm back at the beginning trying to shift all those muffins I shoved in my face while I was pregnant!

I'm 33 female ex rugby player that's really done a lot of research on my journey into nutrition and fitness however I am no expert!

Although every one needs encouragement and a pat on the back once in a while they also need a good kick up the *kitten* and that's where I come in lol!

I will read your food and exercise diary and I will comment good or bad!

I don't see the point in congratulating some one for being under there calorie intake when they have either starved themselves or eaten 6 Big Macs this week!

After I stopped playing rugby I started running which has then lead me into doing obstacle races and I'm booked into doc the wolf run this November! I'm not competitive only with myself and my husband is really into his weights so can bounce ideas off him training wise!

I love to have abit of banter along the way and enjoy a good laugh so if you do want someone to give you the odd kick up the *kitten* then I'm here! :)
