Non alcohol lager, good or bad

im trying to loose 1stone, I do like a drink, I've tried to cut down, but I have found it easier to drink Beck's blue, non alcohol lager, I'll have 4 bottles per evening, it is in my colorie allowance, 50 calories per bottle as opposed to about 180 in regular lager, I'm hovering around the same weight, is it due to the Becks or not, thinking about cutting it all out together??? I'm wondering if the fact it is carbonated is keeping me bloated???


  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    If it fits in your calorie budget then you should be losing weight. If you're not losing weight then you're not logging accurately enough. Either way it's not the lager itself that's causing you to not lose.
  • jmichaelminton
    jmichaelminton Posts: 47 Member
    To be honest, I would avoid any drinks with Calories and drink water only. Just allow yourself some of the real stuff every now and then.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    drink what you want as long as it fits in your calorie goals. Personally, i drink mostly water and 0 calories sodas. I like to eat my calories ;)

    i bought a 6 pack of beer today though. Now, it usually lasts me a long time (im not a big drinker) but I am certainly looking forward to it tonight after the week ive had ;)
  • IncredibleMulk77
    IncredibleMulk77 Posts: 63 Member
    Beer is my favorite indulgence. Before I became aware of my calories and was focusing on health I would enjoy it daily. Now, I still drink the same types of beers that I like (IPAs, Stouts and other big beers) I just do it once a week or so and make it fit in my calorie goal. Cheers!
  • jgoji
    jgoji Posts: 2 Member
    I love a good beer! When I started dieting I tried Odules and other non-alcoholic beers, but they just weren't the same in flavor. Another problem was that it was 50 to 75 calories a serving that could have been taken up with additional protein, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, and other good things that would be more beneficial to my body and my health.

    So instead, I opt once a week to drink a regular beer (or two) as part of a cheat meal, usually one or two Sundays out of the month as a post-race celebration with friends.
    It leaves me feeling more satisfied than the Odules did, and it taste better.
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    Neither good or bad, just wrong. I've stuck to full-alcohol ales/ciders on my journey and it's worked just fine!

    But seriously, wrong. No.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    im trying to loose 1stone, I do like a drink, I've tried to cut down, but I have found it easier to drink Beck's blue, non alcohol lager, I'll have 4 bottles per evening, it is in my colorie allowance, 50 calories per bottle as opposed to about 180 in regular lager, I'm hovering around the same weight, is it due to the Becks or not, thinking about cutting it all out together??? I'm wondering if the fact it is carbonated is keeping me bloated???

    The only thing bad about it is that it has no alcohol in it.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    I limit my craft beer to the weekends, fit it into my calories, and stick with a 1 drink limit. I drink coffee, yummy herbal teas, and water during the week. I don't drink Bud and I would never, ever, ever drink Beck's unless I was stuck in the desert and that was the only liquid available. :lol:

    See also: