
starreeyed Posts: 10 Member
I have a 2 year old and a 4 month old and while I've already lost the "baby weight" that I gained during pregnancy, I now am trying to work on losing the weight I've wanted to lose for quite some time before my kiddos. I'd love some extra community support and accountability to stay on track!
If you're a mommy of littles and need someone you can relate to then feel free to add me! I'll encourage you, celebrate you, and help keep you focused as much as I can!


  • conkin86
    conkin86 Posts: 20 Member
    I have 2 girls on is 3 and the other is 1. It took me awhile to get serious about losing weight I was weighing in at 213 which was my highest non pregnancy weight so somethig had to give. I walk everyday with my girls and have found that now they look forward to that time and if I don't follow through my 3 yr old is asking tons of questions and won't let it go they we didn't go on our walk!! Best work out partner! Lol
  • starreeyed
    starreeyed Posts: 10 Member
    Haha they can be great accountability partners!! Way to go for walking! I wish I had a double stroller so I could get back into walking too!