Calories, simple math or more?

Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
Does it really only matter how many calories in vs how many calories out? I have NO trouble with mornings and midday but for me after work its foodfoodfood. So if I save 75% of my calories up and gobble em all in the evening am I still ok? Im not going over my calorie goal or even using all my exercise calories but I was curious? Is this an ok approach or should I stick with a more spreadout intake?


  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    It would be better to spread out more to avoid spikes in your blood sugar, which will reduce your risk of binging. Also, it will keep your metabolism more revved up throughout the day.

    But yes, weight loss is basically math, HOWEVER, the QUALITY of those calories also go a long way towards helping you reach that goal...
  • georgiagorwell
    Does it really only matter how many calories in vs how many calories out? I have NO trouble with mornings and midday but for me after work its foodfoodfood. So if I save 75% of my calories up and gobble em all in the evening am I still ok? Im not going over my calorie goal or even using all my exercise calories but I was curious? Is this an ok approach or should I stick with a more spreadout intake?

    Try reading to book "Stop Counting Calories And Start Losing Weight".
  • georgiagorwell
    Does it really only matter how many calories in vs how many calories out? I have NO trouble with mornings and midday but for me after work its foodfoodfood. So if I save 75% of my calories up and gobble em all in the evening am I still ok? Im not going over my calorie goal or even using all my exercise calories but I was curious? Is this an ok approach or should I stick with a more spreadout intake?

    Try reading to book "Stop Counting Calories And Start Losing Weight".
  • corysboredagain
    not eating, especially skipping breakfast, preps your body for the rest of the day. your metabolism will slow if you don't eat because it's not needed.

    it's important to eat something within about 20 minutes of waking up. you can keep breakfast and lunch light, but its important that you have them, or else you're shooting yourself in the foot in the long run.

    try having a banana and light yogurt for breakfast with water and a big salad with fat free dressing on the side so you can dip instead and save calories that way. plus a snack like almonds, an apple, string cheese, etc, will keep you from metabolic slowing but not use up so many calories.

    it's hard at first, but you have to learn to balance. once you do, you'll notice a difference.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I struggle with much the same thing despite having read numerous studies showing that consuming more calories at breakfast tends to lead to more weight loss.

    Some things are easier said than done!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    It would be better to spread out more to avoid spikes in your blood sugar, which will reduce your risk of binging. Also, it will keep your metabolism more revved up throughout the day.

    But yes, weight loss is basically math, HOWEVER, the QUALITY of those calories also go a long way towards helping you reach that goal...

    This is right.

    It doesn't really matter when you eat. It is basically calories in vs. calories out. Yes, you can lose weight eating 1200 calories of twinkies at 7 pm. HOWEVER, you'll feel hungry and tired and will eventually lose the energy to perform tasks. If you aren't hungry until night, save more calories for night. I find that no matter how much I eat during the day, I still need a snack and dinner at night. I make sure to save calories for that and it's working. I also (and I know you didn't ask) save calories for snacks. I'm a believer in 80/20. I would love to say I eat clean all the time, but I just can't do it. I've tried, I still crave pringles, pizza, ice cream, etc.

    Short answer: yes.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    Does it really only matter how many calories in vs how many calories out? I have NO trouble with mornings and midday but for me after work its foodfoodfood. So if I save 75% of my calories up and gobble em all in the evening am I still ok? Im not going over my calorie goal or even using all my exercise calories but I was curious? Is this an ok approach or should I stick with a more spreadout intake?

    Try reading to book "Stop Counting Calories And Start Losing Weight".

    Have you tried this non-diet 'diet'? Any success?
  • robston
    robston Posts: 67 Member
    I too use most of my cals for the evening..I feel like the evenings are when I can enjoy my food the most, the rest of the day it really just is fuel..(needs to taste good, but I do well with keeping low so I can have more in the evening) this is the time when I can prepare foods, so it is obviously going to be the larger meal..since I have time to make the main dish, figure out a side and figure out what my Hubby will want. Then I enjoy my low cal cocktails, a dip in the hotub, then a nice tv show with dinner for me and the far, I've lost 33 lbs..(total since I started this time around again)..