Scale won't move...



  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Do you really weigh ALL your solid food on a food scale?

    Only meats. Pre measure everything else. Only drink water with lemon. 3 egg white bfast. Salad no dressing with 4 oz chicken is lunch. 2 cups split pea soup, only peas and water. Weighed meat and 2 veg for dinner. 2 rice cakes or 140 Cal snack or sweet potatoe fries at night. Everyday is same:) I substitute brown rice and tuna for lunch on saturdays and allow tbsp of creamer in coffee.

    I just saw that you edited your post. As I mentioned above, and as the video posted above illustrates, you really need to weigh your foods. But if you are truly eating 1200 or under and not losing, you should visit your dr and get your thyroid levels checked.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited May 2015
    And btw whatever or however you do it. What ever your stats are. It is for all of us the same.

    *You lose weight when you eat less calories than you burn (deficit)

    *Maintain your weight when you eat the same calories as you burn ( here are the people who plateau or stall or choose to be because they are happy with their weight)

    *And gain weight when you eat more calories than you burn (surplus)

    No exceptions
    Only for everybody the situation or speed can vary.
  • bsnewbigging
    bsnewbigging Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you guys for the advice. I'm just frustrated cause this worked so well before...honestly eating exactly what I'm eating now. :( good luck to you.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    thats right
    But when you lose weight your deficit is getting smaller
    You are maybe landed at the point that you eat at a deficit.

    For all you know you can eat around 1600 instead of 1200. You dont know when you dont weigh your food

    All you know is that you eat too much calories because you dont lose weight. So you eat at maintenance level.

    Just try it out take what you eat now and start weighing and logging it.... :) you have nothing to lose by doing that.
    make sure how many calories you really eat
    When you do make your deficit bigger. And you will lose weight

    how fast and how much? Who knows that is for everybody different.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Don't forget that you just had a baby, your hormones might still be out of whack. Hang in there, and if you know you're tracking accurately, go see your Dr.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member