Anxious about people seeing me run, help me!

I've been so pumped up about running intervals in the park right in front of our home - but when it comes down to it I chicken out because there's probably going to be creepers like me looking out the window into the park and they'll see me running! I get kinda nervous. I need to overcome whatever this is because I'm missing some valuable workout opportunities! I used to not care who was watching me workout but since the baby weight it's like I get slightly anxious about it. Help me please!


  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    Take it from somebody who started off barely moving, shuffling and looking pathetic.

    There is always somebody out there who will look more silly, more hopeless and more unfit than you. ALWAYS. And some of the runners I see that run at all good pace also look a bit uncoordinated and like they just took up the sport yesterday!

    Everything starts slowly. Everything has its own pace and everything improves with time.

    Start a walk/run around your block, or walk from one tree and then run to the next in the park etc.

    Everybody starts somewhere and it's your time to get out there and move xx
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I just started the c25k program and I go to a local park to run. I promise people don't look at you while your running. I take my jogging stroller and that takes the looks away from me and puts them on my little girl. Go for it. I doubt anyone will look twice at you and if they do, who cares, your doing something for yourself that has huge health benefits. I say just do it!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I was the same way but then it occured to me....when I see other people running I'm actually thinking, 'That's awesome!' I'm not staring at them for any other reason besides admiration for them exercising.
  • Shrek55
    Shrek55 Posts: 14
    just do it. i have had construction workers laugh at me in my heaviest and taunt me while jogging. you can make it if you want it!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    When I notice people running I don't notice whether they look *good* running, I am usually impressed that they are out there running and I'm silently cheering them on. Go do it!!! You'll be glad you did!
  • Bwaryn
    Bwaryn Posts: 1
    As they say - don't think about it; just do it. I used to feel the same way about doing cardio at the gym, especially when I'm in the front row with people working out behind me. But the thing is, nobody really cares about what others around them are doing. We're all doing the same thing: sweating like pigs trying to lose some weight. And as far as jogging outside goes, if creepers want to stare, they're going to stare; there's nothing that is going to stop them. But the thing is, the creepers that stare are idiot low-lives anyway so, who cares what they think? Just get out there, jog, and have a good time!
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    Think of the positive influence, not only for your child, but possibly someone with the same doubts as you! Go inspire!!
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I was the same way but then it occured to me....when I see other people running I'm actually thinking, 'That's awesome!' I'm not staring at them for any other reason besides admiration for them exercising.

    Same here.
  • Hammie18
    Hammie18 Posts: 45 Member
    Wow, this totally just happened to me today! I was debating all day whether I wanted to run outside or not because I was afraid people would laugh at my jigglies. I got home, changed into my running clothes and just sat on the steps thinking about not running for a good 10 minutes. But I did it and it felt great. Don't let that fear prevent you from being your best self. Once you take those few steps outside, it'll all go away and you'll be glad you went for that run.
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    I felt the same when I started out but trust me, you soon get over it, like with most things it's the idea of something and taking that first step that's the hardest part.

    When I run I wear a cap and I find it helps with me 'eeek, people!!!!!!!' moments as I can just put my head down to hide my eyes and it makes me feel like I am hidden from the world :)
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I totally understand! I started running intervals a month ago - and I couldn't even go 30 seconds at a time. A few days ago I ran 12 minutes straight without walking - and only stopped because I got a late start.

    The only person you should worry about is YOU and you want to be healthier and fitter! If anyone looks at you, they will only be seeing that you are making an effort!

    p.s. if it's safety you're worried about - get over that, too! :wink: I live in a major city and run in a wooded park at 5:30a, because if I don't I will make any excuse not to work out! HA!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    You know, there may be someone watching who gives you a little word of encouragement. That has happened to me three times - got applause even! :o)
  • phenomeva
    phenomeva Posts: 27
    You can do it! I've only ventured into going outside my house once (I have social anxiety) but I survived. I spent about 10 minutes looking out my door, at the sun, the kids playing, the people walking their dogs... after your first minute you'll feel so great about yourself it makes everything worth it. I know some people use sunglasses and an mp3 player to tune out the world completely. Give it a try :)
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    Just DO IT! Do you really care that much what they think? Yeah, sure they may see you. Yes, they may think you jog funny. Yes, they may think all sorts of things . . . good and bad . . . but are you really doing this for them?!? HELL NO! You are doing this for YOU. Y - O - U!!!!!! So, **** 'em all and get your run on!
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    I am doing Cto5K and I plan my outings around what time of day I can get to the park. If its weekends, early morning,Im good, less people. If late evenings, any day, the park is packed!

    My answer? I go to my backyard. Its very small and a little uneven, but private and I am very careful. I do a modified workout so I dont injure myself. Plus, I dont get to make excuses about why I cannot do my walk/run.

    Good luck and like others said "JUST DO IT!" :happy:
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    I agree with most people that I admire people who go out and run. I have started c25k this week and can say that I was very apprehensive about it the first two times (I have only done it two times). But the second time I was more secure (and I wore sunglasses and that seemed to help). Just get out there and do it. Most of the people I see I will NEVER see again. Who cares what they think (besides you are probably in better shape than them)!!! Best wishes, good luck, now get out there!!! :wink:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Nope, not a good enough excuse to not run!!!
    People might see you but they probably aren't interested enough in anything other than themselves to really notice or to make any comment.
    Or they might, but will probably thinking "wow, wish I could do that!"
    I saw a lady jogging in my park a few weeks ago and my only though was "wonder if she uses MFP!"
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    I have never thought of a bad thing when seeing someone running outside... even at my heaviest I always thought..."wow, crazy runner....look at you go!" Or I would be secretly jealous of the nice little body some girl has... Now I am out there doing it for myself.. I listen to music so I never hear anything... I even run past a high school... I know there is judgement coming from there... but I used to be young and thin too... now I have to work at it to look good...

    Just go and run. The endorphins will soon kick in, and you'll be the next to admit they are addicted to running.... I'm not even done week 5 of c25k and I am addicted!
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    I'm still a new runner and was a bit freaked at people watching me, but in reality, they really aren't giving you more than a one to two second glance and they are on their way. Also, after having participated in a couple races since completing c25k, I can tell you that there are all sorts of different "styles" of running. Some people run on their toes. Some people run with very wide stances. I've seen people run with their arms literally flailing around them. I've seen foot shufflers and gazelles. I've seen butt-kickers and people who barely pick up their feet. I've seen folks running bobbing their head from side to side to make their ponytail swish. We all run differently but the moral of the story is we're all out to be healthy, so just get out there and own your run! You can do it!
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone! I can't believe the overwhelming response! I feel so much better now!

    For the record - this park is a flat bed of grass DIRECTLY in front of my house. It's a rectangle with houses surrounding it! So I think the cap and/or sunglasses is a very good idea...