Discouraged :(

I havent lost weight in a while.. somedays i feel 'skinnier' others i feel just plain fat! i am deff getting discouraged :-( are there any exercise or food tips that you could give? thatd be great!!


  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Sometimes the scale can be our friend but I find it's mainly an enemy. I tend to pick a certain number in my head when I'm feeling great and go on the scale to find out I have gained 3lbs or 6 even, and sometimes when I feel bloated I've actually lost weight. I started focusing on how I felt after working out and eating healthy and I also have taken my measurements to help that way. I am noticing that my clothes are fitting better, I am definitely losing the inches.

    maybe take your measurements and know that when your eating healthy and being accountable that your giving your body nurishment. your body will adjust it just takes time (unfortunately).

    Hang in there, we are all here to help.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Aww... sorry that you are discouraged. If you open you diary for exercise and foods, i am sure a number of people would give suggestions to help you out. How long have you been using the site?
  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    I have these days too, but don't let them discourage you..stay focused on the end results. It happens, just push through and know that you are worth it. Hang it there.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    It is really a simple math equation. Eat more than you burn and gain weight. Burn more than you eat and lose weight.

    I managed to put on weight while running 50 miles per week. I was eating the extra 700-800 calories I burned running every day (and then some).
  • cabbiegabby
    cabbiegabby Posts: 14
    i've been told it's good to switch up your workouts.
  • girlfriendal
    I was feeling exactly the same way the other day....no weight had come off in weeks and I was just getting really disheartened. And I asked the same thing you did. I'm pasting the best answer I got for you here:

    "Here is the deal on the plateau issue. The body is a computer that us self learning and after a period of readjustment will learn how to get by with what it's being given. Think of the cave men, they would have to forage for food so their ...body learned to adapt with what it was being given. If you do a weight loss regime that is merely food based your body will learn to adapt to it after a while and you won't see results. When you add in exercise it helps but if it's the same exercise the body adapts to this as well. The only way to push past the plateau is to confuse the body by mixing it Up. And unfortunately working even harder to push past it's plateau or comfort zone. Keep at it don't get discouraged."

    Hope this helps! Off to the gym now to take my friend's advice!
  • Sheena04
    Sheena04 Posts: 6
    Once you open your diet diary I can look at it for you and send you a message with some tips if you would like =) Also, are you doing and workout routines currently? I had the same problem, I was eating healthy but not loosing weight, I started on here not long ago and really watched my carbs/protein/calories and it really is helping me. You might need to just re-evaluate your diet and change it up a bit. But I will be more than happy to help you out!!