Stronglifts and being able to fit into Wedding Dress

kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
Hi All

I'm currently following the SL's program (only 2nd week in) and have been doing further research on this, only because I enjoy reading all the information/advice etc...The one thing thats worrying me doing this programme is not being able to fit into my wedding dress on the 1st August incase I've bulked out a bit....Is this possible to happen (sorry if its a silly question)

I went for my first fitting on the 11th April and measured 39" hips, 32" waist and 38" bust and it fitted PERFECT but what if I gain muscle inches from now til August and can't fit into it...

Will this happen?


  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    edited May 2015
    Are you eating for a caloric deficit or at maintenance? I don't know if anyone can really tell you since all bodies are different, but if you are eating at a caloric deficit it seems unlikely to happen, since gaining muscle usually requires a lot of food (providing one is not overweight).
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Are you dieting, or eating in a surplus?

    Is your dress a zip or lace up?
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi, thanks for your replies!

    I follow Weightwatchers so I am on a calorie deficit! My dress is Lace Up at the back!

    Even though I'm on a calorie deficit will I still tone up doing the SL programme? Prior to the SL programme I did bodypump twice a week along with cardio such as running/crosstrainer and I noticed a big difference in my body shape doing bodypump and I loved the class which is why I started researching weightlifting and taking an interest in weights.....I of course want to lose fat which I know will be done via my calorie deficit but I also want to tone up too but I often read that SL's is for people who want to get strong whereas I'm not fussed about being strong, I just want to look good and feel good!

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    If you are eating in a deficit, you will lose weight. Since you are lifting, more of that weight loss will be from fat instead of muscle. If you lose enough, your dress might actually be too big come Aug! I do SL or other lifting 2-3x/wk and eat whatever I want(don't count anymore) but I still haven't "bulked" enough to outgrow any of my "skinny" clothes from when I lost weight. SL is a strength-building program. You will get stronger if you follow it correctly, and getting stronger is a good thing. It will help you feel good and it builds confidence:)
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    You should have another fitting before then, right? That should give you a good idea of where you are at and how much you are changing.

    Your body comp may change a bit, so the dress could be tighter in some spots, looser in others. More likely a little looser all over. Lifting and eating at a deficit definitely should not make you any bigger, it should help you to be tighter and smaller.

    I would also maybe take a couple of rest days right before the fitting and right before the wedding so you are not holding as much water. Awesome measurements by the way!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    "toning" has nothing to do with growing muscle. You "tone" when you lose fat to make the muscles seem more defined.... So that's what you do in a deficit. :)
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Oh, and yes, you will "tone up" at a moderate deficit. Getting strong is just a fun side effect
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    @DancingMoosie....Will getting strong help tone me? Since Jan I've lost 10inches from bust, waist and mainly hips and have noticed how lifted my butt is and how much smaller my waist has become and how much smaller my tummy has become and this was all before discovering lifting, this was from bodypump 2x weekly, running or crosstrainer 5-6k 3x times a week....So my question is will SL's help me continue to achieve what I achieved when doing bodypump/running etc??

  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    So the word "tone" just means you've lost some fat from that area which is making the muscle re-appear (like my butt)??

    I'm so confused right now! I dont have a clue what to do with myself at the minute!! I've had sessions with a PT who has shown me lots of compound movements and each session was different with him but I like following routines hence why I started the SL's as I like the idea of having something to follow! But now I keep thinking shall I just stick to what I was doing before :-(

  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    kmab1985 wrote: »
    So the word "tone" just means you've lost some fat from that area which is making the muscle re-appear (like my butt)??

    I'm so confused right now! I dont have a clue what to do with myself at the minute!! I've had sessions with a PT who has shown me lots of compound movements and each session was different with him but I like following routines hence why I started the SL's as I like the idea of having something to follow! But now I keep thinking shall I just stick to what I was doing before :-(

    I'd say pick something simple (for me simple means most convenient) and be consistent. That's the best thing you can do for yourself. Keep it simple, track your progress.
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    If I said that I'm really really missing my bodypump and insanity classes which I'm not able to do whilst doing SL's, would you say to continue with what I actually LOVE!! Because I really am missing my bodypump and insanity classes :-( Do I HAVE to lift to achieve what I want to achieve?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Who said you can't do body pump and insanity classes? Those are both cardio. You can't do them 5-6 days a week, but nobody dies if you get them in 2x. Maybe 3 if you're eating enough. I'd go with 2 and eat less if I was in your shoes dress but that's just me
  • kikichewie
    kikichewie Posts: 276 Member
    Yes, SL will help you "tone" if you are in a deficit. Your muscles will not get physically bigger, but they will seem more defined as you lose the fat. You will get stronger but smaller overall at the same time. As long as you are in a deficit.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Honestly, I think you should do what you love. If you don't like it, you probably won't stick with it. Try SL for a while, a few weeks at least, just to see if maybe you will like that too. It never hurts to have another program that you like. If you find that lifting is not for you, sure, go back to body pump and insanity. But, as DavPul said, there is no reason to not incorporate them into your weekly routine. Maybe lift 2-3x(M/W/F) and then bodypump Sat or insanity T/Th? Just an idea...
    Getting strong and toning are not necessarily the same thing, but can go together. If you continue to eat at a deficit and lift, then yes, you will still tone (and get stronger) while doing SL.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    1 - you can't "bulk up" while dieting...if you could, that would also mean you could get fat while you're's mathematically not possible.

    2 - SL isn't even a bulking program, it is a strength program.

    3 - "Bulking up" is a deliberate act; it doesn't happen accidentally

    4 - Most women do not have the genetics to "bulk up" without a lot of help by way of supplementation and drugs

    5 - Most women you see who have a little muscle and have some muscle that "pops" are actually smaller than their female counterparts of the same weight...because muscle is more dense than fat...therefore you would actually be more compact.
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    Others advised not to do anything else if following SL's or that my body may be too tired because I was going to continue with bodypump on Tues and Insanity on Thursday as I love those classes, I love Insanity because I convinced myself that I would never be able to it because of its intensity, one day I just thought "sod it" I'm gonna try it and I did it!!! and the same with bodypump, when I joined the gym in Jan I convinced myself I could "never" do anything like that so these classes for me are also big achievements and to give them up makes me feel sad :-(

    I wont be hitting the gym til Tuesday now anyway as I only workout on my lunch ours but think I'll continue with BP and Insanity as well as the SL programme and if it becomes to much then I'll reduce something!

    Thanks for your supportive words, I feel better now!
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    You could do each of them 2x a week to mitigate fatigue. I do SL twice a week and have had dramatic changes from losing inches. My other favorite is yoga and I do that 2x/week.

    Just give yourself 1-2 decent rest days and I think you can incorporate both.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Maybe use the strong lifts idea but change it to fit your goals. So do the basic compound lifts while slowly increasing weight, but only do it 2x a week, or don't increase weight every single session. Use lifting as a supplement to your other workouts if you really love them. This way you have the energy for your other workouts. Strong lifts and other programs are great for beginners. But no one says you have to do it exactly as prescribed. Make it fit your preferences!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Weight lifting with a program like SL is supposed to make you stronger, not help you lose weight or bulk. Stronger says nothign about how you look. Google weight lifters, as in e.g. participants in the olympics. Every single one of these women, in all categories, can lift impressive amounts. Some are lean, some are definitely overweight if not obese, and there is everythign in between. They are all incredibly strong.
    If your goal is to fit in your wedding dress and look leaner, you were seeing results so far, and you also loved what you were doing regarding classes, then drop SL, and keep doing what you were doing. Why change somethign you love and that works? If you got interested in free weights and want to see how this goes or want to be able to lift heavier, then continue with SL and move your focus there, do not try to just add it on top of everything or you will be injured by the time your wedding day arrives.
    But do not choose a program, any program, as a sacrifice because you expect it to work miracles and change your body in a few months.
    If you really want to keep the classes and experiment with weights, maybe look into some other program, or get a personal trainer, explain your goals and preferences and seek advice?
  • bigbadbrad77
    bigbadbrad77 Posts: 9 Member
    Stronglifts wont add very much bulk (maybe none at all) Its purely a strength routine, I do stronglifts aswell, I wouldnt worry about it