Chest growth!?

I feel like my chest doesn't grow like my other muscles to the degree I want it to. I have to work 2x as hard to get even remotely any results compared to other body parts. I eat clean and do standard exercises like incline, decline, flat dumbbell press, pullovers, flyes, etc. Has anyone transformed their chest and has some superior advice? I've been trying to improve on my mind muscle connection too.


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    edited May 2015
    My chest didn't grow AT ALL until I upped my volume by a lot. I perform 3-5 sets (usually 4-5 unless I'm really tired)

    Current chest routine and how I perform the exercise:

    Barbell Bench Press: 3-5 reps, 2 second pause. Explosive as possible while maintaining form.

    Chest dips to failure (if getting above 10 use weights to make it harder): Go down to just below parallel and back up, don't fully extend your arms until the last couple of reps and then really squeeze your chest on those, you should feel the bottom and middle of your chest burning.

    Decline Dumbbells: Use a good weight that you don't need a spotter to help with. Really control this one, slower negatives and squeeze at the top, usually do about 6-10 reps.

    Incline Flies: 8-12 reps, very slow negative keeping your chest contracted the whole way. Slowly lower it until your arms are just below parallel and come back up. Make sure to use a lower weight and keep your arms bent at about a 20 degree angle

    Flies from a low cable: 8-12 reps, Keep your arms at about the same as above and really try squeeze at the top of the motion

    Flies from a high cable: 8-12 reps, Same as above

    I repeat the above on shoulder day but replace bench press with incline bench and do overhead press and seated shoulder press before doing this, so essentially I'm doing this routine twice a week.

    As for mind muscle connection, the only thing I've found to work is posing. I usually practice this once every 1-2 days, sometimes multiple times a day. Really try and contract each muscle you are posing with. I've felt it's helped incredibly with my mind muscle connection to my chest and back which were my weak points last year.
  • Garebearrr
    Garebearrr Posts: 41 Member
    That all is really great info, thank you for taking the time to do that and breaking down the exercises! I usually only do chest 1x per week so hitting it 2x a week since it's my weaker area doing all that consistently I think I'll see better results. Good point about the flexing! I'm getting there with the mind muscle connection but definitely needs more practice.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You only work chest 1x per week and you're surprised that you're not getting results?
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    gparfitt09 wrote: »
    That all is really great info, thank you for taking the time to do that and breaking down the exercises! I usually only do chest 1x per week so hitting it 2x a week since it's my weaker area doing all that consistently I think I'll see better results. Good point about the flexing! I'm getting there with the mind muscle connection but definitely needs more practice.

    Happy to help! Hopefully you start seeing more results now! :)
  • matt140582
    matt140582 Posts: 3 Member
    try high reps one, superset the next and strength the next, also throw in a taper week, one set of each exercise so as to give chest time to recover. have you tried plate raises??
  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    Bench more than once a week.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I’d lift chest two to three times per week, but I’d do two things: 1) Cut down to two exercises (flat bench press and db flys).

    On the bench press I’d go as heavy as I could for 4 sets of 8 reps (one workout a week with a 3,1,3, 1 tempo). Rest 2 - 3 minutes between sets so you can stay as heavy as possible. This builds muscle density that becomes more noticeable as you get stronger (and go heavier). The tempo lifts are going to hurt, and you’ll have to come down a little on the weight to be able to hold the slower up and slower down.

    I’d do 4 sets of 8 on the flys, make sure you really stretch at the bottom and squeeze at the top (like you’re trying to crack a walnut between your pecs). The muscles are fatigued from the bench and now, you’re pulling in additional muscle fibers during that isometric squeeze.

    Be sure to measure your chest before you start this program and then about 6 - 8 weeks later. Measure on the same day/time before a training session so you get a consistent comparison.
  • mynameisoliverqueen
    mynameisoliverqueen Posts: 63 Member
    I’d lift chest two to three times per week, but I’d do two things: 1) Cut down to two exercises (flat bench press and db flys).

    On the bench press I’d go as heavy as I could for 4 sets of 8 reps (one workout a week with a 3,1,3, 1 tempo). Rest 2 - 3 minutes between sets so you can stay as heavy as possible. This builds muscle density that becomes more noticeable as you get stronger (and go heavier). The tempo lifts are going to hurt, and you’ll have to come down a little on the weight to be able to hold the slower up and slower down.

    I’d do 4 sets of 8 on the flys, make sure you really stretch at the bottom and squeeze at the top (like you’re trying to crack a walnut between your pecs). The muscles are fatigued from the bench and now, you’re pulling in additional muscle fibers during that isometric squeeze.

    Be sure to measure your chest before you start this program and then about 6 - 8 weeks later. Measure on the same day/time before a training session so you get a consistent comparison.

    This guy speaks the truth!!! I follow similar and it has made a difference for me.