Just when you think you are doing well....



  • panchango
    panchango Posts: 76 Member
    Mine wasn't a picture of myself, but some guy yelling "Move It Fatty!" when I was out bicycling. It threw me for a loop, but I just had to brush it aside and remind myself how far I have come already and how much better I feel instead of dwelling on the negative.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    panchango wrote: »
    Mine wasn't a picture of myself, but some guy yelling "Move It Fatty!" when I was out bicycling. It threw me for a loop, but I just had to brush it aside and remind myself how far I have come already and how much better I feel instead of dwelling on the negative.

    I am glad you did! People can be awful. You are right, of course...I am just finding it hard to do today. Actually I find it hard to do a lot of the time.

  • jules6669mfp
    jules6669mfp Posts: 446 Member
    I can relate. But, shake it off and embrace what you've lost and be proud. I hate seeing pictures of myself. Even lastnight we took pics and I hate them. I think it goes deeper than "i look fat" etc. when I weighed 132 I used to think that I was so fat. I believed that, it's what I saw. However, don't let that be a reason to say " the heck with it". Love yourself as you are. You are worth getting healthier. You can do. We need to stop hating how we look and love who we are. If we are good, kind human beings then we are beautiful.
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    I'm way fatter than you, and I don't allow my photo to be taken unless I'm dressed well and have a bit of lippy on. Otherwise I looks like a blob with a pasty face (very much like my profile pic!) as opposed to a put-together largish lady with red lips and fabulous glasses.

    Work on dissociation your physical looks with your motivation. Otherwise one day you may wake up at your goal weight and still feel fugly.

    *Well said*

  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    I can relate. But, shake it off and embrace what you've lost and be proud. I hate seeing pictures of myself. Even lastnight we took pics and I hate them. I think it goes deeper than "i look fat" etc. when I weighed 132 I used to think that I was so fat. I believed that, it's what I saw. However, don't let that be a reason to say " the heck with it". Love yourself as you are. You are worth getting healthier. You can do. We need to stop hating how we look and love who we are. If we are good, kind human beings then we are beautiful.

    I can totally relate to feeling "fat" at 132 lbs. Now that I'm actually "fat" (according to the doctor's BMI) at 188lbs. I have to accept myself or I will be tormented by the number, like I did most of my 20's worrying about it. I am enjoying my life now, at this weight, because this is where I am now and I don't want to look back and regret feeling disgusted with myself, and wasting my time, instead of enjoying everyday.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Comparison is the thief of joy. :) And don't give up, you've made progress. Instead of using the picture as a demotivator, look at it from another more positive point of view. Look how far you've come and how far you will go.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    I found old photos of me from when I hated myself a lot, and *kitten* me, I was so thin then! But I truly did not know how to dress! I can't even blame the 80s fashion.

    You have to live the one life you've got.
  • Ms_LisaKay
    Ms_LisaKay Posts: 103 Member
    @IamUndrCnstruction - I am right in the "mid-journey" boat with you. Like you, current pics of myself are not greatly helpful. But, no matter what, I have come this far and I am not going back. I am going to put that next set of weight on the training bar tomorrow and I am going to feel good about THAT. I am going to not let today steal tomorrow's sunshine. I will do 2 10-second hover yoga pushups by the end of the week, and I will feel particularly awesome about that. I will log my food, and I will know that since it has worked so far, it will keep working. And when the doubts hover around, I will tell them to get bent and pretend I can report them to Admin as "abuse."
  • mandyclay1982
    mandyclay1982 Posts: 11 Member
    I really know how you feel!!!!!! I've lost 30lbs and I still don't accept the way i look in pictures and at times i do want to give up too. Its always going to be a constant battle but if you give up now you will always wonder 'what if i kept going.' Take it one day at a time. There will be days you will be proud of how far you've come and days you feel like throwing in the towel. Push through those hard days and tell yourself I will see more results if i just keep going. :)
  • nitaaaaa
    nitaaaaa Posts: 19 Member
    I also happen to notice when I lose a little weight it comes off in certain areas that make my stomach look like it is protruding more, bc when I'm thicker it fills in the edges around my belly fat and looks more uniform. I try to remind myself of this and that it's actually a good thing and to keep going. Tho it's really hard when people keep asking if you're pregnant :(
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    I try to only compare myself now to myself then, which helps some. I can see the 15 pounds difference in my face, my neck, my backside. I'm still fat. But I'm better than I was. That way it's not to some standard of thin that I couldn't have possibly gotten to yet. It helps.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    nitaaaaa wrote: »
    I also happen to notice when I lose a little weight it comes off in certain areas that make my stomach look like it is protruding more, bc when I'm thicker it fills in the edges around my belly fat and looks more uniform. I try to remind myself of this and that it's actually a good thing and to keep going. Tho it's really hard when people keep asking if you're pregnant :(
    This I can definitely relate too! Seems like, as I lose weight, things get...well...squishier, before they get smaller. Some things even look bigger...which doesn't make sense, unless maybe you are right about it just being more "uniform". I feel all lumpy now LOL

    Thanks everyone for being able to relate in some way. I am not giving up, I just want this so bad that I get impatient and frustrated.
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    I know how you feel. Been there, still struggle with it. But when I have a bad hair day never for one moment do I consider just shaving my head. Well...maybe for one moment...but not really. Don't give up. It will make the days you feel like a million bucks so worth it.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I can certainly relate. It is just part of the adjustment process. All you can do is to keep moving forward, at whatever speed you are able to move forward.