self sabotage??

Anyone else have a problem with it? I feel like I am sabotaging myself a lot. I am so close to my goal weight and I am doing all the right things food wise (during the day) but when I finally come home from work and then gym(i come home around 12am)... I try to eat back my exercise calories and before I know it, I'm eating multiple bowls of cereal :( ... but it usually is the more "healthy" cereal with almond milk or soy milk but I still feel awful afterward. I feel so guilty, like I am letting my self down.

Anyway I just feel guilty pretty much every night which leads me to want MORE! Usually something sweet! Which leads to the cereal in the first place because I don't really leave anything sweet in the house.

My obvious answer is to "Go straight to bed!" but I can't! I am wide awake, board , alone and eventually...craving something to eat.

Anyone else have or had a similar situation? I'm trying to think of simple quiet, none messy hobbies i can take up to keep me busy before i start to get sleepy


  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    Girl, I've been close to my goal weight for about a dozen years now, and the reason I never stay there (I've glanced off of it twice) is because of exactly what you're describing.

    The best I can figure, I don't know how to be thin, since I never have been, and it kind of scares me.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Read, draw, window shop (on the internet)...These are all quiet things I do til I get sleepy.
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    First of all, you're doing awesome! Congats on coming this far! When i am craving snacks at night, i make some chai tea and read a good book. Or better yet how about a fitness magazine! Looking at super toned fitness model bodies usually makes me put down my ice cream spoon... usually.:wink:
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
  • saintsbootcamp
    LOL too funny cereal is my go to when I want something sweet as well just cause there is nothing sweet in this house! Kashi go lean and crisp are my faves♥ Late night is really a not good situation! Anytime I stay up that late cravings hit, definitely going to bed earlier is a great idea, but I get the whole not able to sleep right away thing. How about gum?? Did you know cravings only last a couple minutes?? If you stick a piece of gum in your mouth like extra bubblegum or one of the fruit ones your brain says aahh something sweet!! The craving goes away, SERIOUSLY try works!! Also the majority of the time that your body is saying your hungry its more likely your thirsty drink a giant glass of water then see if your still hungry. hope this helps you. good luck♥
  • saintsbootcamp
    LOL!! Amen to that Channing! Hot models=starvation mode:laugh:
  • Rembrandt9
    Rembrandt9 Posts: 7 Member
    GTI_Girl; AT least you are not eating empty calories; the stuff your eating is what your body is craving. Are you keeping your eating throughout the day too? To get that last 10 lbs bootcamp on the go and get that booty gone to where you want it to be. Feed your body great foods and TAKE A DAY OFF girl and rest from time to time. Your body needs that too, it needs to build up its energy sources and go again. You can do it.
  • pannacottayum
    pannacottayum Posts: 96 Member
    LOL too funny cereal is my go to when I want something sweet as well just cause there is nothing sweet in this house! Kashi go lean and crisp are my faves♥ Late night is really a not good situation! Anytime I stay up that late cravings hit, definitely going to bed earlier is a great idea, but I get the whole not able to sleep right away thing. How about gum?? Did you know cravings only last a couple minutes?? If you stick a piece of gum in your mouth like extra bubblegum or one of the fruit ones your brain says aahh something sweet!! The craving goes away, SERIOUSLY try works!! Also the majority of the time that your body is saying your hungry its more likely your thirsty drink a giant glass of water then see if your still hungry. hope this helps you. good luck♥
    what she try brushing your teeth (and tongue), seriously, it puts a sweet flavor in you mouth and the minty freshness discourages your desire to eat something.
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    oooh some great points in here! thanks guys!

    yea I have just been dealing with this since about...March. Everyday I wake up saying "OK! today is the day! get things back on track 100%!" and then...I get home after a long day and I slip. Maybe I need to stay on here and read other peoples motivation stories and pass the time...and not think about that 2nd bowl of blueberry (soo good) special k cereal lol

    Actually, I have tried the tea thing...a BIG cup of it and that tends to work... I like the tea idea because making tea a mini ritual for me and it take steps and waiting and by the time Its ready I have sort of... calmed down a little and I am ready to relax
  • heatherfrancis
    I have been doing this to myself for a few months now too. It is depressing. I do good all day and then after supper I am like a crazy person without control.....grrr I wish i had the answers. Its terrible. Everything you described is me. I usually exercise at 530am but I am trying to do another round at night too, to keep me busy after helps a little but at the same time, I am exercising so much that my body is burning a ton of calories and then making me even hungrier.
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    day 1 of getting back on track..for real (aha i say that every time)

    Got some tea brewing right now.

    just gonna have cup of corn with some salsa mixed in for flavor.

    take a shower and stay in my bed room lol...their is no food in there!