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I've lost 30 pounds and I've been stuck for months. I need help, anyone to tell me how I can change things up. It's very frustrating. Should I amp up my cardio? I can only do so much before I get exhausted :(e7qi7pp3qrkc.jpg

I've never posted these pictures anywhere. I'm so ashamed. But it is what it is. I'm learning to better myself everyday. I've been struggling with not putting my self down, but this journey has been a roller coaster.

The left was two years ago. The right picture was from January 1. 2015 before my breakfast. I gained a few pounds now, and I'm trying to get back on it. It's so hard working full time, going to school and everything !

It would be nice to have friends here. Guys and gals to support each other !!



  • christykae82
    christykae82 Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats on losing 30 pounds! I would suggest lifting weights regularly (if you aren't already). Also, try HIIT for cardio. It's more effective for fat burning. I'd be happy to link up with you, I'll send you a friend request.
  • princesschellzz
    princesschellzz Posts: 18 Member
    Yay!!!! Accepted!! Yea I do heavy *kitten* weights , and I'm switching up my cardio with running ! I'm learning to love to run! Before it was so hard to ! :s
  • christykae82
    christykae82 Posts: 16 Member
    That's awesome, I've never been much of a runner. Although I haven't done it since I have got in better shape. So you've not lost for several months? Are you eating back exercise calories, weighing food and all that good stuff?
  • princesschellzz
    princesschellzz Posts: 18 Member
    Yea I haven't lost... Like before I would use my scale. And now I only use it from time to time , or guess. The worst part is when I don't have my meal prepped. I just gobble my food up. Even if it's "healthy" I just eat too much. My portion sucks.

    But I meal prepped today and I'm starting to use my scale.

    I just need to eat few calories. But I get so freakin hungry !!!

    How do You know how many cals to eat??

    How your journey going, and what are your plans ???
  • christykae82
    christykae82 Posts: 16 Member
    edited May 2015
    Well I have my calories set for a pound a week loss (500 under maintenance). It worked great up until my last 10 pounds I'm on. It's coming off a lot slower and it's harder to stick to that low of a goal on weekend recovery days. I do weigh everything with a scale and log before I eat. I try to get as close to my macros as possible too. I'm starting week 6 of a12 week lifting plan tomorrow. I lift M/T/TH/FRI, spinning on Wednesdays and HIIT immediately following lifting those 4 days. My hopes are to get down to my goal weight and see how I feel about it. I may want to lose a little more at that point. Then just keep lifting and trying to maintain. I started in October and this has definitely felt like it has taken forever! :)

    I bet you will notice a difference if you start weighing faithfully. I know it's so easy to underestimate.
  • princesschellzz
    princesschellzz Posts: 18 Member
    That's awesome !!! It's always good to go at a pace that your comfortable with!!

    Yes I know. I know I can do it, I just need that motivation back. It comes and goes !
  • christykae82
    christykae82 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm going back home this summer and want to look much better than when I left. That's been motivating me. Now I have to make sure not to lose the momentum when the trip is over! Obviously I want to be healthier and it's great for me, but it is nice looking better too. :) I totally understand how the motivation can come and go. Do you have a goal you can shoot for, like a 5k or anything coming up?
  • princesschellzz
    princesschellzz Posts: 18 Member
    I never really thought about doing anything like that! I should look into that for motivation!!!!

    As of right now I'm just trying to see how long I last during a run!
  • princesschellzz
    princesschellzz Posts: 18 Member
    I've heard to the color and zombie runs ! <3 I'm going to look into it tomorrow !!! Thanks for the idea !
  • Darkspyrolir
    Darkspyrolir Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I totally look and feel sinilar to you! Add me as a buddy if you want motivation support - I need it too! (SW:215, CW:203, GW: 150) I also would like to do a 5k in early Sept and i woukd like to be able to a least jog the whole thing and not slow down and start walking like I have had to do in the past. Also I am seeing all of my family and extended cousins and whatnot at the end of August - so lots of motivation to get in shape, but ya always do better with a buddy! :-)
  • princesschellzz
    princesschellzz Posts: 18 Member
    That's true!!!! I always think that we should listen to our bodies and make little goals each week so we won't burn ourselves out!! Like today I did a mile out side. But after every lap I did a 10 sec break ... So my goal is to jog one mile not stopping! And then work my way to a mile in a half and so forth!!!

    I have a love/ hate relationship with cardio :(
  • princesschellzz
    princesschellzz Posts: 18 Member
    But that's good! You can do it !!
  • jmccowa1
    jmccowa1 Posts: 9 Member
    Your pictures are very motivating! Congrats on the progress that you've made. It's really easy to get stuck on a plateau. Changing up your exercises may be the little extra push to that stubborn fat. Christykae was great to recommend strength training and HIIT classes for cardio. Also, setting a fitness goal like the 5k is a great idea. (: -- I'll be cheering for ya