In need of support...

I'm a mother of 3 (16, 14 & 4) and after my 3rd child found myself at the heaviest I've ever been. Frighteningly close to 300 lbs. I've been on weight loss journeys before and have done well as long as I stuck to it. But, of course, I keep losing my way for whatever reason and end up gaining it all back and then some. I'd like to do this for real this time and for good. I'd love some friends to help keep me motivated. My family tries to be supportive but I don't think they really understand my struggle since they don't have a problem with their weight, except for my oldest daughter. I'm also trying to do this for her. I want to set a good example for her and help her reach her weight loss goals as well. I just need to be kept motivated so that I can, in turn, keep her motivated. So anyone interested in providing as well as receiving some motivation and support, don't hesitate to add me.


  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Good for you for finding MFP. YOUR success isn't about finding external motivation... you clearly state what your drivers are... your children.. and your health...YOUR success is going to be based on how much you learn and how much effort you are going to put into reaching your goal... lots of folks are going to say.. just stick to your deficit and you will be successful. Then what? I say... envision your life as YOU see yourself on a day to day basis... what are the things you are doing? DO NOT think that the end of your journey is going be based on some arbitrary number you put down somewhere that might correlate to your "dream weight"... set other goals... physical and fitness performance goals... start off modestly... as you increase your strength and stamina.. you will find more goals... getting to a healthy weight is MORE than watching what you eat... it's about re-thinking your lifestyle... and creating balance... in your diet, in your activities, in your entire life... step one.. balance the diet... pay attention to your macros.. step 2... start eating at the recommended deficit... set SMART goals... (google "smart goals" if you have not been introduced to this concept) and stay within your macros... step 3... get out of the house and get active... if you keep busy doing something away from your house and away from the "easy food" and get some exercise while you are at it (and keep some healthy snacks with you).. and a BIG plus if you have fun doing the activity.. then you are well on your way...

    BUT read.. read... read and ask questions here... and include your doctor in everything you are doing...

    welcome you don't need luck.. YOU have YOU and that's the only person that is going to make a difference... and be prepared to forgive and forget... if this was going to be easy... there wouldn't be a need to talk to other people and share their pain and accomplishments... and what I mean is forgive yourself... there will be slips and days where you just can't or won't do it... forgive yourself .. and forget those bad days... there's a higher purpose and it's greater than a day.. or a week of self-doubt.. BUT YOU are going to get this thing done... be strong.. be determined... and YOU won't need luck.. or anyone else to motivate you... BUT we are all here to listen... so speak up when you need to... andfeel free to add me... Emu's.. think they know everything B)
  • beachlover0103
    beachlover0103 Posts: 38 Member
    RavenLibra, I've been on this site off and on for quite some time. I made the decision today to start logging my food and reading the community boards for support and inspiration. Thank you for responding to Reyangi, I don't know if you helped her, but your post was what I needed to read today! :smile:
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    You are welcome beachlover... feel free to add me too... I am humbly at your service... for whatever purpose we may find for each other in this quest
  • me_baker
    me_baker Posts: 4 Member
    RavenLibra, I agree with beachlover....I really needed that today - so thank you! I have been feeling like I just can't start over and do this healthy living thing again but that I need to....I copied and pasted your post to a word document that I am keeping on my desk top. Thank you!

    Reyangi and beachlover, we can do this! One step, one day, one moment, one decision at a time!
  • beachlover0103
    beachlover0103 Posts: 38 Member
    Good Morning All! We can do this! Feel free to add me as a friend. :smiley: