OMG I need support bad

Hello all ! My name is Tracey and I'm in desperate need of motivational support! I've looked at the success story's and it motivates me to no end!!!! I love it! is my short story. I'm 48 and fat! I've always been fit and active by the way, but changed jobs about 5 years ago to a desk job....and the older you get the harder it is. I'm not fat because of a disease or illness. I'm fat because I chose to put the fork in my mouth, god how I love food! I over indulge at every meal and its caught up to me. I've learned something about myself recently that is hard to get past. I'm an instant gratification kinda girl so once I get on the treadmill I get over whelmed that I want to lose 50 I don't even start it will take too long for any results :-( I'm also a stress eater...I know...bad thinking!! That's why I'm here, I understand that it takes time and after everything that I've read on here I feel great about the support and positive motivation that is given so free! I look forward to your support and supporting others on our journey!!


  • ChristyParadee
    ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, new here also. I am also 48 and need to lose close to 100lbs =( my weight gain is health related but either way the battles are the same. You can do this! Each journey starts with just one step! Try no to think about the 50lbs, start small and work on the first 5 then the next 5 and then the next 10....Just as it time to gain, it will also take us time to lose. Congrats on taking the first step!
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    Track your calories and set smaller goals. It doesn't have to be a weight loss goal, it could be to say under calories for a week, will give you a boost. Then the loss of a few pounds will keep you motivated. At 10 you'll see a difference by 20 you'll be needing new clothing or laughing about constantly pulling up your pants. Good things will happen on the way to your goal, look for them and you'll do fine.

    I leaned how to knit and crochet to redirect me from stress eating. I'm not very good at either one but it is relaxing. It helps settle me when I get stressed.
  • traceyblad
    traceyblad Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I needed that!!! We can do this! I hope your health issues are curable?
  • traceyblad
    traceyblad Posts: 5 Member
    Wow ohgee that is a great idea to divert my success on something other than the pounds!! I will do that !!
  • ethannoah2
    ethannoah2 Posts: 1 Member
    hello so my story is i am 32 i just had a baby three months ago i started a diet a month ago i have been tracking my calories everyday and i walk almost everyday 5 miles a day i lost close to 20 pounds but seem to be stuck at this weight what do i do??
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal! It's great that your first post speaks to your WHY, reasons for being here. I would encourage you to write that first post out on paper and put those reasons in a location where you see it every day. Let your WHY be your source of motivation.