Incorrect Calculations On Recipes

Rigra74 Posts: 8 Member
I created a recipe with 3 ingredients and 1 serving. Coconut Flour 70 calories, Raw Chicken Breast 137 calories, Coconut Flakes 115 calories. These numbers add up to 317 for 1 serving. On the app it shows that the calories per serving is 317 but when I log it, it only logs it as 181 calories. I came to the website and it shows 181 calories per serving. This is not the first time I've had this happen. Anyone else had this happen? Why doesn't it log correctly?


  • Rigra74
    Rigra74 Posts: 8 Member
    Well, somehow shortly after I posted this the app updated the recipe correctly after saving it several times. Finally it logged correctly. Still annoying and still weird.
  • try4better128
    try4better128 Posts: 61 Member
    I find it helps not to hit "Save and log" when you create the recipe. It works to first make and save the recipe, then go to your diary and add the recipe as you would a different food. A bit tedious but it seems more reliable.
  • DebbieDoopDoop
    DebbieDoopDoop Posts: 1 Member
    I have had the same problem a number of times. If you have any reasons or explanatons, please share! Thanks a lot.