Question for Meal Preppers



  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    searsvls wrote: »
    I find meal preppers facinating. I do well to make my breakfast and lunch the night before. I really would like to start doing it for several days in advance. I am just curious if preppers ever eat frozen meals and/or sandwiches in addition to their own meals. I love seeing the pictures that many of you post with the neat containers and the food measured out but I never see sandwich stuff. I understand about the bread setting soggy but do you ever make the filling and take bread on the side. I would like to hear your reasons for the way that you do things.

    I don't eat sandwiches persay but do wraps with non-traditional wraps like Gem wraps (fruit leather-ish) and Coconut wraps. In that case I prep last minute but for real meals I do ahead. Like 10 chicken thighs, 24 Pork Apple poppers, 2 racks of ribs, 8 turkey get the idea. Just make more of whatever you have and save the rest for laer.
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    Love these!! I'm seriously considering getting into it more, I'll put salads in mason jars and then deconstruct a rotisserie chicken at the beginning of the week... but I always get so bored! I need better ideas. Maybe this week I'll grill up a bunch of chicken breasts and steam up a bunch of veggies. :)
  • wfrazjr
    wfrazjr Posts: 43 Member
    I have tried meal prepping and it really helps me. I am not a sandwich person, but you could make the sandwich meats that you want and place them in the snack size Ziploc bags and place the breads in a normal Ziploc. I normally eat almonds, pecans & cashews for snacks and place those in the little 1/2 cup containers.
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    edited May 2015
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    @DedRepublic - I am so incredibly inspired by your organization and dedication! It makes me want to go shopping RIGHT NOW to do all the prepping!

    Before I got divorced, my routine would be to go grocery shopping on Sunday at 6 am, then spend the next few hours cooking, chopping and prepping the week's meals. It made my life with my kids and ex run so much more smoothly. Further, if someone needed a snack... BAM! Cut up peppers and hummus (or whatever it was). I could literally just pull food out of the fridge and have it on the table in a minute. I'm apparently just not as dedicated to prepping these days.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I freeze sandwiches all the time.

    Right now, in my freezer are 20 pbj, 20 balogna and mayo and 20 Turkey, mayo and cheese. Theses are for my kids lunches. I add tomato and spinach in the morning before I toss them in their lunch boxes.

    I usually freeze a months worth of lunch sandwiches at a time.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I meal prep on Sundays but just my proteins and whateverfruit I need to cut up. Breakfast is a smoothie I make at home or oats when I get to work. I don't do bread or frozen meals eitther jut cause I'm just not a fan. For the veggie portion I'm pretty lazy. I buy the Costco Spring Mix and take the whole container to work for the week and just make my salads there or I take frozen veggies. Sometimes I will make my own protein bars for snacks.

    I use to transport my lunches and it helps me stay on track cause when I got my first bag I told myself if it didn't come in the bag with me to work I wouldn't eat it.

    @DedRepublic, impressive meal prep and I thought I had a lot of shaker bottles!
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    edited May 2015
    Wow I have been getting meal prep questions today....happy to help...but I made a video for my blog last year when I was prepping for a physique competition that explains what I do and presents some general concepts....and might give you guys a few ideas. This also details my fish prep. Might be a little long...but hopefully can add value to this thread.

  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    @DedRepublic That truly is awesome!!

    Thanks really makes your week easier.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Love it! I want to make a video too!!
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    edited May 2015
    Love it! I want to make a video too!!

    Do it!! And post here!!!

    I really want you guys to understand something...I really...really...REALLY...LOVE BODYBUILDING...and have seriously come a long way....and I will never be who I used to be again...I mean...I had a big beer gut and was borderline alchololic 3 years ago.


    That change will happen for you the moment you decide you want something MORE...something more than your (Vice, your cigarrette, your Netflix, Your Sweets, Your Football Game, Or in my case...alcohol). Once you want your results more than you want these other things your decision making will start to change...but NOT UNTIL THEN.

    Your actions follow your heart. You sit there and meal prep stuff looks crazy, but if you decided that Fast Food was simply off the table, and no longer an option for you....then meal prep makes sense. Listen...I have made 10 pm trips on Sunday to Walmart because the Grocery Store was closed to get what I needed to be prepared for the coming week...and on that night I cooked into well past Midnight. As painful as that was I learned from it...and did not want to do it again.

    So work on your processes...this will take some time to figure out how to be efficient...but I promise will not regret it. You only have to prep for a week at a time once to experience the resuced stress of not having to worry about food all week.

    This also means you get to hit your calorie goals because now you are making your weight loss a planned weekly measureable event that you are in total control off. Doesn't this feel empowering?

    Oh yeah...and there is this pay off if feeling better, being healther, being stronger...and looking better naked...yeah I said it! So here's to all the meal preppers there grinding it out...

    "We're all gonna make it brah!" - Aziz Shavershian

  • linabina993
    linabina993 Posts: 6 Member
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I prepped my breakfast/lunch for the week last night, thanks to this thread! Ha ha. Dinner is easy - meat and veg in a pan... I don't mind doing that when I get home. Maybe next week I will prep for dinners, too.

    I'd really like to get a bunch of protein shakers, that's such a great idea!
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    I prepped my breakfast/lunch for the week last night, thanks to this thread! Ha ha. Dinner is easy - meat and veg in a pan... I don't mind doing that when I get home. Maybe next week I will prep for dinners, too.

    I'd really like to get a bunch of protein shakers, that's such a great idea!

    You are doing this the right way...pick one meal at a time...then move to the a month or so you'll have it all figured out.
  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    I prepped my breakfast/lunch for the week last night, thanks to this thread! Ha ha. Dinner is easy - meat and veg in a pan... I don't mind doing that when I get home. Maybe next week I will prep for dinners, too.

    I'd really like to get a bunch of protein shakers, that's such a great idea!

    You are doing this the right way...pick one meal at a time...then move to the a month or so you'll have it all figured out.

    Do you have the same thing each day?

  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    edited May 2015
    Do you have the same thing each day?

    I do...but I have highly targeted results. But what I recommend for people who just want to lose weight would be a meat, carb, veggie, fat of certain portion sizes. Maybe one meal for lunch is Talapia, and the next day it is Chicken, and the next day it is ground the way...all three of these meats could be cooked in one hour with various carbs and veggie sources. You can hit your targets and macros in this way.

    And if you are eating the same foods each day you can spice each meat in the video above when I prepped fish...I could have seasoned each portion differently...put different veggies in each container...even varied the carb as long as it hit my marcros.

    Remember my goals are different than yours...than someone carbs are timed specifically to when I weight train as I want to get the maximum amount of results for my time spent building my body.

    You can take this to what ever level you want...but honestly there is no point in taking it to a level that is not sustainable. Go at the pace you are comfortable with...but understand that drastic results are absolutely possible...if you put in the time and dedication...but all depends on what you want...and how fast you want in the is you looking at yourself in the is your health...your transformation...your responsibility, your ownership, of your results.

    Own it first...and then start. Start where you are...with what you have. Over time you will learn...and make improvements.
  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    I don't eat sandwiches and I mainly stick to the same foods: chicken, ground turkey, broccoli, zucchini, sweet potatoes and brown rice. I'm still new to meal prepping so eating the same foods until I get a super efficient system down keeps it less stressful. It takes me 2-3 hrs on Sundays.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I prep three sandwiches (tuna fish salad) and bags of raw veggies on sunday, and then two of each wednesday night. I've gone four days, but... mentally, I feel like they're fresher if I only do it three days out. I learned the hard way that you can't freeze a bag of chopped raw veggies and then take it out to eat it. bad bad things happen.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I prepped my breakfast/lunch for the week last night, thanks to this thread! Ha ha. Dinner is easy - meat and veg in a pan... I don't mind doing that when I get home. Maybe next week I will prep for dinners, too.

    I'd really like to get a bunch of protein shakers, that's such a great idea!

    You are doing this the right way...pick one meal at a time...then move to the a month or so you'll have it all figured out.

    Do you have the same thing each day?

    When I was hardcore prepping, I'd set out my menu for the week, get it all prepped, then I could grab what I wanted to eat that day (out of the premade choices). I usually had a few different choices for each meal. I was mostly doing it for convenience (I have two small kids - smaller back then!), and so I knew that I was making good choices regarding nutrition and not defaulting to Little Ceasar's $5 pizzas.

    This weekend I'm going to make some space in my upstairs freezer for some precooked meals. We're renovating the room my big freezer is in, and I won't be bothered to navigate that minefield right now :) I should have time on Sunday to make some dinners for the coming week.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I prepped my breakfast/lunch for the week last night, thanks to this thread! Ha ha. Dinner is easy - meat and veg in a pan... I don't mind doing that when I get home. Maybe next week I will prep for dinners, too.

    I'd really like to get a bunch of protein shakers, that's such a great idea!

    You are doing this the right way...pick one meal at a time...then move to the a month or so you'll have it all figured out.

    Do you have the same thing each day?

    I don't! I have so many dishes in my freezer - varieties of soups, stews, chilis, curries, beans, nuggets, meatballs, burgers, meatloaves, casseroles, stuffed peppers, burritos, etc. and they're all in individual portions (with the exception of the cauliflower/cheese sauce, marinara, BBQ, enchilada sauces) or flash frozen.

    All I do is make a list of a few dishes, cook them, portion, and freeze. If you do a small load (maybe 2-3 dishes per weekend) you will build up quite a stash. I tend to cook 6-8 different dishes in a weekend, then use the following weekend to make 1-2 or just take the weekend off.