newbie with a question, all thoughts welcome

Hi everyone, as a relative newbie to MFP, I have a question.
Do u eat the calories gained through exercise? If I don't, I receive a message saying I'm not eating enough, but if I do, my weight loss is slow to non existent. I know I need to find what works for me, but what works for all you guys?
Thanks for any responses.


  • thenyfarm
    thenyfarm Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I don't use the calories gained thru exercise and neither does anyone I know who is doing mfp. That only comes In Handy for special occasions like a holiday , wedding or just a bad day etc. But u need to find what works for you. Good luck. I've lost 22 lbs since November and my sister almost 40 since then.
  • renattadawn
    renattadawn Posts: 15 Member
    Very good question!
  • mummypops
    mummypops Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you both for your comments. I think I'll try not eating back my calories this week and see what happens. Here's to a good week
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    MFP is designed with your deficit built in and assumes you will eat back your exercise calories in order to hit that goal number. Most of us who do eat them back only eat a portion of them to allow for overestimated calorie burns from exercise. It is beneficial to your body to have additional fuel when you are doing more work. Eating too low, that is, under your BMR, consistently is damaging to your body.

    good luck to you :)
  • mummypops
    mummypops Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for your comments, I appreciate your time to reply.
    Hope you have a good week.
  • louhawk10
    louhawk10 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm eatting about 1200 cals a day and burning 250 with exercise. Which is taken me under 1000. So should I be eatting 250 more cals?
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    I will eat up to half of my exercise calories if I still feel hungry. otherwise I just leave them but I also get 1550 cals a day so it's already a bit higher than some people's. eat what u can stick with. if your always hungry on 1200 maybe eat some of your exercise calories. it's better to lose slower and stick with it then give up cus your always starving