It didn't take long - MyFitnessPal rolls out its first paid offering!



  • Hollywood_Porky
    Hollywood_Porky Posts: 491 Member
    vorgas wrote: »
    It Didn't Take Long
    2005 - MyFitnessPal is launched.
    2015 - MyFitnessPal adds a paid option for those wishing more features.
    10 years isn't long?

    For comparison, here is a state of the art cell phone in 2005

    Oh man, that was my all time favorite phone! The COOLEST!

    I don't see any issue with a paid version. They stuck it out quite a long time before offering it. Some people really want to narrow down every detail. I hope with the revenue from the paid versions they will start adding features like posting pictures easier, etc. I just hope it stops popping up the ad every time I log in.
    I’m now a premium user. For one, the ads were killing my experience. Now, I’m hoping they do get away from the weight is everything model.

    Yep - me too! I think this is a great move. Can't wait to log in from work tomorrow - where the client's browser doesn't support ad blockers. This will make the experience more enjoyable when I am bored at work.

    I do like the new dashboard on the home page - if they do more of those kinds of things, I think the sky's the limit.

    I signed up for the year. If I don't see the improvement after 11 months, I can toss it. Easy choice.
  • almondbutterbay
    almondbutterbay Posts: 221 Member
    Even if I wanted to buy the premium version I don't have money. I don't even buy coffee or anything really (except for gas to drive the car and bulk food) because I'm super broke as the result of not having a job for four months until now. Would I buy premium in the future? Probs not cause I like to limit my expenses to clothes that are absolutely needed, car stuff, and food.
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    Last time I put any serious money into a website it closed without any warning and I lost everything I paid for...never again. Learned my lesson the first time.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Whatever. Their site, their rules. I personally don't see anything I'm willing to pay for - but if others do - ain't no big thing to me.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I can't remember ever seeing any adds. It's odd that some do and some don't. ..
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I’m now a premium user. For one, the ads were killing my experience. Now, I’m hoping they do get away from the weight is everything model.

    I'm glad you made the decision that you felt was best for you. :)

    Personally I won't consider premium until the free version is back to the way it used to run or all the bugs that are created after each fix are fixed permanently. You'll have to let us non-paying members know how the pay version all works out for you as I am curious. :)

    If all the bugs were fixed and all the features we had many months ago all fell back into place without adding any new issues.. Well I think far more ppl would consider going premium...but until that happens... many of the members trust is lost because we were promised so much with this last update (OCT). ..and we're still waiting...
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    I haven't noticed any difference with the old version now that the premium is an option, other than the annoying "hey, we have premium now" every time I sign in. I saw a few people who are having glitches but maybe they are using the phone app and not the website - the website seems the same to me. I guess being one of the, what, 5 or 6 people on here who use the Windows Phone app I am not seeing the same stuff everyone else does so I am not seeing how it has changed on that side of it for the free users.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I can't remember ever seeing any adds. It's odd that some do and some don't. ..

    no ads here either
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    vorgas wrote: »
    It Didn't Take Long
    2005 - MyFitnessPal is launched.
    2015 - MyFitnessPal adds a paid option for those wishing more features.
    10 years isn't long?

    For comparison, here is a state of the art cell phone in 2005

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    CurvyToFit wrote: »
    Last time I put any serious money into a website it closed without any warning and I lost everything I paid for...never again. Learned my lesson the first time.

    I've had this happen before too. Not paying for premium.

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I can't remember ever seeing any adds. It's odd that some do and some don't. ..

    A lot of us use ad blockers. I use ghostery.
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    smantha32 wrote: »
    I can't remember ever seeing any adds. It's odd that some do and some don't. ..

    A lot of us use ad blockers. I use ghostery.

    Yeah, I use ad blocker plus - from what I read in the comments here sometimes it is a good thing I do because the ads sound terrible on here.

    And the windows phone app doesn't have ads (again, I guess the 5 or 6 of us using it are lucky on that one).
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I've never used any add blockers. Unless my phone automatically does it... :huh:
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I don't get it, I have seen post where people are begging to have a paid version, no add version. Now that they have it, people are poo poo'ing it?
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    I've enjoyed using MFP but won't pay for the premium version at this time. I work at a large medical organization which has just introduced a website and app for logging nutrion/exercise. It's free and comes with incentives, the more you use it, the more chances you earn in their monthly drawings for stuff like Fitbits.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I don't get it, I have seen post where people are begging to have a paid version, no add version. Now that they have it, people are poo poo'ing it?

    If you look back over the 'website suggestions' section you'll see ppl were offering $5 tops to get ad free. I don't know that anyone was expecting it to be $50 instead.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've enjoyed using MFP but won't pay for the premium version at this time. I work at a large medical organization which has just introduced a website and app for logging nutrion/exercise. It's free and comes with incentives, the more you use it, the more chances you earn in their monthly drawings for stuff like Fitbits.

    I've come across something fun I think I'll try as well... incentive sites make it new and exciting and can help a lot with motivation. :)
    I don't get it, I have seen post where people are begging to have a paid version, no add version. Now that they have it, people are poo poo'ing it?
    There's actually quite a few ppl that have shared that they have gone premium so there are some happy folks. I think others of us feel let down that things weren't repaired before offering the pay version.

    It's not Mike Lee or Al (creators of the site) or even MFP itself, it's the recent buy out that's caused this. Mike always seemed to truly care about each of us on here. Way back in the day Mike was on the board all the time, it was a very small site. He's passionate but He's also a business man and just sold MFP for $475 million (? am I correct in the amount..I think so). I don't know that He has much say so over any of this anymore. But guess that's what happens when you create, build and then sell what you've invented. You move on to other endeavors.

    Sorta feels like somebody died... things have changed and won't be the same anymore as division continues.

    Well I think I've spent far more time on these threads today concerning this than I have in all my years here. lol
  • KariFreeman2
    KariFreeman2 Posts: 28 Member
    I don't mind paying if there was something offered that I wasn't getting with the free version. At this time there is not. Also I have seen no ads on my iPhone
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    edited May 2015
    I think that it's completely asinine. Expecting the website to work properly without bugs, with proper spam filters, with active and accurate moderation, with data transfer, without crashing, and so on should already be provided.

    As someone who has supported MFP for 4 years now and undoubtedly made them revenue and help build their user base (not only in my activity but in referring MANY new users), i feel like it's not fair to users to treat them as second class citizens because we won't pay the exorbitant fee of $10.00 a month. If they have that technology available i think they should provide it to all users.

    Additionally, I think it's ridiculous that they want to charge users to use the database (and run reports) with USER added food entries. As a community the MFP database has become what it is today. To take the information we decided to share (for free for the betterment of all users) and then use that to make money in this fashion is crazy.

    Lastly, there's the issue I have with the problems currently associated with MFP. Let's be honest... The number of duplicate food entries, entries with inaccurate calorie information, inaccurate macro/micro nutrient information, and seemingly NO quality assurance to verify makes the "We want to offer them a way to make custom reports, to dig deeper into the nutrient density of the food, and to customize the measurements used to plan their meals." idea completely null and void. How are they planning on cleaning up the database to make these features actually usable as a sell-able feature?

    What is going to happen with the current security issues MFP is having? Even the simplest of items like incorporating a 2-step verification to post threads doesn't currently exist. So we are constantly bombarded with new users/posts with spam. I have had problems with their current ads force-opening the app store on my mobile device. I have had page re-directing ads. Dont get me started on the slew of consistent bugs on the app version of MFP.

    Right now there are just way too many things wrong with MFP to even consider for a second paying that fee. Even if MFP were perfect and the above issues were fixed, i would still pay MAX $3-5 a month. And they'd have to be offering something more stimulating than their current offer.
  • joepratt503
    joepratt503 Posts: 191 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I think that it's completely asinine.....

    I will paraphrase that because I agree 100%. There are so many things this site should be as a free product so they can actually give true "Value Add" features for profit.