Looking for vegetarian/vegan friends

If anybody wants a vegan friend go ahead and friend request me. Could always use more.


  • quatiecelebs
    quatiecelebs Posts: 3 Member
    Yess! I'm a vegan too!
  • bhealthy1516
    bhealthy1516 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm in between a vegetarian and pescatarian. Just had a very successful day on calories yesterday.
  • Maha38
    Maha38 Posts: 2 Member
    Is pescetarian ok?
  • Flourpot2015
    Flourpot2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! Yes, I'm a vegan and I could really use a vegan friend. I'm 50, live in Phoenix, am NOT a cook at all. I buy eggs from a local person who does not butcher and use local honey, but otherwise no animal products. I want to lose 10 pounds by Septembr. I think I can get there by July 4th on 1200 cal/day. You?
  • wannabeaboy
    wannabeaboy Posts: 1 Member
    Lol you're not vegan then flourpot. Don't mislead people... the last thing vegans need is non vegans thinking we eat eggs and honey, cos we don't!!
  • Flourpot2015
    Flourpot2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Sorry. You are absolutely right. Its exhausting trying to find support and friends online. I have no idea how people do it. At least I have my sister to talk to and my husband is a good sport.Strangers are so mean. Good luck wannabeaboy.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Sorry. You are absolutely right. Its exhausting trying to find support and friends online. I have no idea how people do it. At least I have my sister to talk to and my husband is a good sport.Strangers are so mean. Good luck wannabeaboy.

    I don't think @wannabeaboy was being mean, just blunt. Veganism has a specific meaning and it doesn't include eggs and honey. That said, there is no reason you can't find support online, most vegans here seem to be pretty supportive. I think it is great you have reduced your consumption of animal products.

  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Me :)
    Sent a few requests out if you all don't mind!
    My SO hates this site because of the meat meat meat-ness of some of the threads he's seen so it will be good to get a few vegans popping up!!
  • VeggieClaire
    VeggieClaire Posts: 11 Member
    I'm vegetarian and transitioning to veganism :-) Struggling a little with the diet lately, so some support would be lovely!
  • vaani96
    vaani96 Posts: 72 Member
    I've been vegetarian all my life and I have been trying to switch to a vegan lifestyle for a week or so:)
  • JoeyFrappuccino
    JoeyFrappuccino Posts: 88 Member
    I'm vegan, anyone looking for more friends/support can add me too!
  • BicepsAndBows
    BicepsAndBows Posts: 197 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, but not strictly vegan!
  • JalynRose1
    JalynRose1 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi all! Join the Vegetarian & Vegan group I started to create a veg community on my fitness pal. A place to share and seek out advice from people with similar diets! http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/105865-vegetarians-vegans
  • Calboy2015
    Calboy2015 Posts: 17 Member
    I am a life long vegetarian. Feel free to friend me.
  • VeronaBose
    VeronaBose Posts: 58 Member
    I will send you a request. Anybody else can add me too.
  • purple817
    purple817 Posts: 25 Member
    Me too!!!! Always looking for new friends - problem is I am the fussiest ever veggie and I tend to eat a carb heavy diet which is harder to avoid being veggie x