Just started, have over 100 pounds to lose.

jonalu1234 Posts: 42 Member
Hi my name is Holly. Six years ago I got clean from crack. During my first year of sobriety I gained 100 pounds. I kept telling myself that I would stop. I would say "I will stop when I gain 10 pounds" then it was "I will stop before I reach 200" but I didn't stop and little by little I started to hate myself. Then i started saying "well at least its not crack" and laugh like i was fine...I have always had bad knees and ankles but now I can hardly walk. Three days ago I made a decision to live and not just live but be healthy and happy. So far it is going really well. I have been keeping my calorie intake at about 1300 and I've lost 4 pounds. I just wanted to introduce myself because I never reach out for help. I've always been too ashamed. I feel different this time. I feel proud of myself. I'm just a little overwhelmed with the amount of weight I have to lose. I know I'm supposed to set smaller short term goals but its still a little terrifying.
PS I started this 3 times and it kept disappearing so if I accidentally submitted this before please just disregard it.


  • rubyrubytuesday
    rubyrubytuesday Posts: 65 Member
    Welcome and good luck :)
  • violet_angel
    violet_angel Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Holly, my name is Nicole and I too was once addicted to crack and have been clean for 6 years as well. I also need and want to lose 100 pounds. My lungs are abit aloof due to finding out I have Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, this scared me into thinking that I need to take control of my life and health so I can live a productive and fit lifestyle that I once use to have. So good to hear your taking the right steps to fulfilling your destiny.

    Cheers Holly
  • ruhidean90rd
    ruhidean90rd Posts: 29 Member
    You are going to rock...
  • jules6669mfp
    jules6669mfp Posts: 446 Member
    I wish you luck in losing weight. You can do it. You've already succeeded in getting of the dope which shows that you are not a quitter. You got this, not to sound cliche but one day at a time. I'm fairly new about 55 days but you can add me if you like. Be strong. You have s lot of support here.
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    Hi Holly,
    You've come to the right place if you are serious about losing weight. I'm 62 years old and tried everything to lose weight in the past - never getting all the way down or keeping it off until a friend told me about MFP! I can't believe how easy and legitimate this has been.
    I eat whatever my little heart desires but always stay within my calorie deficit every day. I needed to lose 60 lbs and have lost every ounce and then some. I've kept it off for nearly a year now. Eating real food and not buying into the fad diets is the only way to lose the weight and keep it off.
    I'm glad you are doing something about your weight now - you are still young and this is the best place for support.
    Best of luck to you and congrats of getting off crack. If you could do that, then losing weight should be a breeze!
  • mamabear1114
    mamabear1114 Posts: 140 Member
    If you can overcome an addiction like that, you can do ANYTHING! You are a strong, powerful woman and you got this! So excited for you and your new journey! Feel free to add me, I would love to support you! :) Good luck!
  • JoeyJumper
    JoeyJumper Posts: 1 Member
    way to go Holly :) You" can do it! you have beaten one addiction so now time to drop some dress sizes to ease the stress on your knees etc and make you" feel healthier and happy... Best Wishes :)
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    Welcome to MFP Holly. I've lost 100 + pounds, with another 25 or so to go. It took me 4 years to do it. I don't believe the fads and gimmicks work because you can't sustain them over the long haul. Just make healthy choices, set small goals, and keep moving forward. You can do this!!! Add me as a friend if you'd like. :smile: I log nearly every day and try to help my friends stay on track!
  • jonalu1234
    jonalu1234 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement. I feel so different this time. I am excited and happy and I believe I can do it. It's great to hear from people like u who have already lost what I need to lose. Gives me hope!
  • Katemb2015
    Katemb2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Wow, you have inspired me, if you can overcome physical & mental addiction then you can smash this! Maybe take up a gentle none cardiovascular sport like swimming that won't agrevate you weaker joints. Good luck & Good on you for sharing your story! :)<3
  • Livelaughlove_0111
    Livelaughlove_0111 Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats on recovery!! I think its great you are sharing your journey! You can do this!! Good luck and Best wishes! :)
  • Naaer
    Naaer Posts: 212 Member
    Welcome! You have come to the right place...MFP is a GREAT website...Like a lot of the people here, I have been trying to lose weight FOR YEARS and I have lost forty one pounds since last November...I feel terrific...This website really works...I agree with the other posts that if you can kick a crack addiction that you will have NO PROBLEM losing weight...DON'T GIVE UP! Losing weight is not a straight line...I am, currently, at a plateau...Onward and downward...Good luck to you..
  • jonalu1234
    jonalu1234 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank-you and congratulations on losing 41 pounds. that is awesome. I just can't wait to get into double digits lol
  • kaydeelayne
    kaydeelayne Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • LindsayHoyes
    LindsayHoyes Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Holly!! You sound *kitten* awesome girl! I'm proud of you too! I also want to lose 70 pounds and it also feels overwhelming! Thanks for sharing your story, it is truly inspiring!!!:)