HELP I can't stop eating

tn9072 Posts: 10 Member
Hello everyone!

I'm not new to MFP, but I have avoided it for the last year. I'm down to 3 pairs of pants that I can fit into (and not comfortably), today is the day! It's time to conquer this head on and stop pretending it's not an issue.

I'm looking for others to help motivate, encourage, & support me, and I promise to give that back in return. Please send friend requests and we will kick start this journey together


  • kimondo666
    kimondo666 Posts: 194 Member
    edited May 2015
    Eat veggies and fruits, wholewheats, brown rice, beans. If hungry beetween meals eat raw carrots. Little bit of nuts, seeds. Try to eat veggies raw. Wash your fruits and vegetables so you8 wash down 30% chemicals. Lots of fiber satisfy your hunger. Avoid suplements(take them only if you can't otherwise), eat nutrient from food.
  • marilynbauer
    marilynbauer Posts: 28 Member
    I find myself in the same boat. I just went to the doctor yesterday and once I saw the numbers on the scale. I realize I need to take extreme measures.
  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
    In January I was 207 lbs at my docs Appt.
  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    edited May 2015
    The best thing to satisfy hunger is protein. I eat protein with every meal and I have a big appetite as well. It fills me up pretty well.
  • eparana1
    eparana1 Posts: 8 Member
    I go through this now and then, despite knowing how to eat and work out, etc... I don't know about you, but it was all emotional eating. Bought a book about cognitive thinking, changing HOW you think when it comes to food and it has really helped. It's called the Beck Diet Solution. The book doesn't tell you what to eat or what workout, but it does help you face your goals and demons...
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    welcome back. I recommitted to MFP last august. I am doing much better this time than before. I track everything to the best of my ability. I don't beat myself if I have a bad day. Attitude is everything.
  • princess_aliza2000
    princess_aliza2000 Posts: 3 Member
    Drink lemon honey warm water on empty stomach in morning ..