9Rounds Kickboxing

Does anyone use the 9rounds kickboxing facility? If so, how do you track the exercise? It is a combination of strenght and cardio?


  • cookinghappy
    cookinghappy Posts: 6 Member
    I do! I love it! I have a fitbit and track it on there but I use cardio kickboxing.
  • cookinghappy
    cookinghappy Posts: 6 Member
    i just looked back at what I used on here and I used circuit training. not sure if thats right or not but it worked for me!
  • acwells01
    acwells01 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes I do 9Round as well. I took the leap to purchase their HRM and use it with my workouts so I feel like I get an accurate measure of my calorie burn. Unfortunately it only works with their system! Haven't tried to use a fitbit or some other tracker to see if it gives me the same info.
  • Chell115
    Chell115 Posts: 2 Member
    I use heir heart monitor