SO this is 30 something

Since reaching my 30's and getting out of the military well I've gain some weight that I promised myself I would never put back on. (looking down) it looks like it found me again though. So I took the first steps along with help and have that drive to get myself healthier and eat clean and workout so i can match the three guys in my photo for they are busy creatures.


  • courtney123180
    courtney123180 Posts: 86 Member
    i know how you feel. i got out of the navy 4 years ago, down there in VA Beach, and i swore i would never put back on the weight that i had when i was pregnant. i worked so hard to lose it, looked great, and was only 20 lbs from goal. then i get out of the navy, eat what i want, and nursing school started, and then my mom got sick(and I'm a single parent). stress is a big part of my life and food is always there. I'm trying to do better, its just difficult some days.
  • Chrissy_Byrd
    Chrissy_Byrd Posts: 3 Member
    Very true the biggest thing I tell myself is I'm not buying bigger clothes I have to wear the ones I have now this making me feel uncomfortable. I like Jillian Micheals because she says when your out of your comfort zone you can either run back accomplish nothing or change to get the results you want. As of right now baby steps are the best way we can travel till we feel like toddler steps do able.
  • eukleja
    eukleja Posts: 29 Member
    Did either of you get out and say "Now that I don't have to run every day I'm not going to!" I totally did that even though I used to love running. What can I say? I'm stubborn!!!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I've done MFP before and lost about 40 pounds. Then I was doing the long distance relationship and traveling every weekend, eating out the whole time I was with him, and then when I moved in with him we'd established those bad patterns so the pounds got packed on. I feel like crap, look like crap, and want to be happy again (and healthy) So I'm super committed again this time and already planning a game plan for when I get close to goal weight :)