South Carolina losing with disabilities

I have multiple physical challenges that I am dealing with while I am trying to lose weight. I am looking for others to work together to deal with the challenges such as excersise . let's start motivating and helping each other to get where we want to be.


  • MeraiahB
    MeraiahB Posts: 40 Member
    Down 11 lbs!!!! anyone want to join me in losing?
  • MeraiahB
    MeraiahB Posts: 40 Member
    Water retention kicking me..hopefully tomorrow I will see the scale moving down fast! I know I am retaining at least 5lbs water by the size of the swelling all over my body
  • MeraiahB
    MeraiahB Posts: 40 Member
    Need a weightloss buddy
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    What sort of exercise do you do?
  • MeraiahB
    MeraiahB Posts: 40 Member
    Stretching, water,treadmill and some household renovation and painting,gardening and dancing when I all the normal household stuff as I can.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    That sounds good. Do you do any strength training?
  • MeraiahB
    MeraiahB Posts: 40 Member
    Some but can not domuch because ofbursitiss pain especially ifIhavve been working on the house. I have to muchmuscle maaass as it iss too lol
  • MeraiahB
    MeraiahB Posts: 40 Member
    started a new group for SC people who have challenges. for support and stuff