Looking to lose 60 pounds.. Tips/motivation are welcomed!

chastings32 Posts: 9 Member
edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I'll be 23 in August and I'm in the worst shape I've ever been in my entire life. I used to be 'thinner' and in shape back in high school
(were t we all) tho I've found it harder and harder to shed the pounds/find motivation to drop this extra weight I've put on within the last 5 years. I'm uncomfortable with my body. It hasn't bothered me that much until now, I'm noticing my clothes aren't fitting like they used to and it's upsetting. I used to feel comfortable in a two piece now I don't even wanna wear a one piece. Most say I'm over exaggerating on how big I think I've got but the truth is I'm not happy and need motivation/tips on what to do.


  • fat2finPaul
    fat2finPaul Posts: 21 Member
    Hi good luck I've got about 65 to lose I've had blinkers on for last few years, in cloths it's hard to tell I'm nearly 18 stone it's only now ive got a new mirror in bedroom that i see side on thats when I see it,

    Feel free to add me. Paul

  • stukawife
    stukawife Posts: 45 Member
    Just make small changes and log every bite of everything you eat!!