Half Marathon Training



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm not brave enough to aim for half marathon yet, but am trying to convince myself to do a 12k run at the end of August.
    I started C25K (from being very much on the couch!) in January and can now run 5-6km without too much trouble (very very slowly).
    I was going to run our City to Surf 5km, but I looked at the website and think I will bite the bullet and sign up for 12k. I have about 14 weeks, so I think I should be able to do it as long as my knee doesn't play up.
    Good luck with your training for the HM, maybe next year I will do that :)
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    What does everyone have planned for workouts today? The weather is looking kind of iffy today so I think I will head to the gym and do 4 miles on the treadmill. If the sun comes out before noon that I will be more then happy to hit the ground running. My mother in law had asked me to also do a 4 mile walk with her this morning. I will add that if I have time to get it all done and take care of work.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    What does everyone have planned for workouts today?


    My training plan is basically five days a week.


    I increase my Mediums by 10 minutes every three weeks.
    My Long by 10 minutes every week.
    I'm still in the early stages here.

    So today is a short day.
    I'll do

    15- means my walking warmup, progressively increasing HR to 125
    -20- means my jogging minutes at HR<135
    -15 means my walk-only easy-slow cool-down

    Yesterday was a medium day so I did 50 minutes jogging

    THIS WEEK was


    I run by Minutes, not Miles, and by effort not pace.

    So I've got an easy day today
    I think I will bike in the evening too, especially since Friday is my Rest/Recovery day :-)
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    my 6th half. For the previous ones I used the Galloway run/walk training.
    This one I'm training to run straight through.

    I'm a Fan of Galloway Run/Walk.
    I too am progressing to sustained jogging now though.

    I do intermittently walk maybe 8 steps every 5 minutes if my heartrate alarm beeps.
    But I'm very close to sustained running.
    It's a lot different. I'm liking it!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    What does everyone have planned for workouts today?

    I had planned 55 minute run: 5 minute warmup at very easy effort and 50 minutes of fartleks at various efforts depending on how I felt. This was followed by ten x ten second sprints up a steep hill.

    The hill sprints are strength training for the legs and help build stride strength which leads to an overall faster pace. They also help protect against running injury.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    What does everyone have planned for workouts today?
    I had planned 55 minute run: 5 minute warmup at very easy effort and 50 minutes of fartleks at various efforts depending on how I felt. This was followed by ten x ten second sprints up a steep hill.

    The hill sprints are strength training for the legs and help build stride strength which leads to an overall faster pace. They also help protect against running injury.

    That sounds like a nice workout! I am thinking that after the 10k I will work on some speed workouts. I haven't done any in a LONG time and prob should aim towards cuttting down my time.
  • MrsDanceBartley
    MrsDanceBartley Posts: 78 Member
    I did the Austin (texas) 1/2 marathon in February. I am originally from England and about 12 years ago did 2 over there, and swore i never would again! But somehow decided I needed to do another one before I was 50! Now I'm ujp for another, but want to lose weight this time and do some strength training.

    The best thing I ever did was join a local running group that catered for all abilities. I don't think I could have dont it without them, and I'll be joining again in August.

    Good luck everyone! I'd love to chat to some of you about your running. :smile:

  • angielafrance
    angielafrance Posts: 2 Member
    New Here--signing up to do HM in November with my brother and sister. Can't wait!
    Planning on using the galloway method to save my knees. Any advice?


    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I did a 12 km (8 mile) run yesterday so am having a rest day today. I don't really feel like I need one, but I guess I should have one a week.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    So happy someone started this post....Training for my first half in Sept...runnin it with my cousin and some friends.....so excited and nervous at the same time....but enjoying the goal and working toward it!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352

    Planning on using the galloway method to save my knees. Any advice?

    Make sure you get a Gymboss. I bought mine from "Gymboss" website, they are Guaranteed.

    Jog Slowly.
    No, slower than than.
    Well, that's good, but really, just a Bit Slower than that....
    There you go.

    How many weeks to your Goal race?
    Only about 20?

    Are you already fit?
    Have you been walking before?

    Seems tight to me on time,
    but then again I am Old and Out of Shape.

    Walk Early, Walk Often
    and Walk even more than than and even Earlier

  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    What is your workout today?

    I'm on an OFF day for jogging today.

    Tomorrow is my Long Run of the week. 80 minutes. My longest run since I started up again.
    So I'm resting my legs today.

    Have a good Run

  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I did a 45 minute recovery run at low heartrate.

    I am doing my training with a local Galloway program and tomorrow we do our first magic mile. So, I needed to get rested up for it today.
  • pnwcowboy
    pnwcowboy Posts: 8
    I ve only done HM twice first time was just to finish second time was on the treadmill i wanted to see if it was worth my time to enter again , i shaved off 1 full hour. So im not a pro by no means but i would like too say that fueling ur body at the right times can make or break a great run. If you want some great info on fueling goto hammernutrition.com. Theres alot of things to consider when running long distances like the fact that if ur not fueling ur body then ur body will fuel itself with protein(muscle) so go check out the site im not trying to sell u anything they have boat load of info on endurance sports. Good luck everyone.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I just think this is a Really Cute running article

  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Yesterday was my rest day. Today I am thinking that I might do two runs if I can find the time. I want to go run this trail that is right by my house that is all hills. However, that will only be about 2 miles or so. Then I want to go do about a 4 or 5 mile run later this afternoon.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    When do you fuel during a run?
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Running my first half in October!
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Tomorrow I start my Gallo-Jenn frankenplan for the Disneyland Half and the Walt Disney World Wine and Dine Half. They'll dovetail soon into a Gallo-Jenn frankenplan for the Walt Disney World Full. I call it that because I'm taking aspects of Jeff Galloway's plan and combining it with aspects of Jenny Hadfield's plan (slightly longer ratio than Galloway wants, slightly smaller than Coach Jenny's...no "magic mile" crap because that just confuses me, etc.)

    I've done two HMs so far and followed Coach Jenny's for both. I'm only frankenplanning it with Galloway's because his are designed time-wise for the Disney races (since he's their consultant) - and I like his higher mileage long-runs. I'll actually have a third HM under my belt before Disneyland - the Queens Half (with NYRR) - but I'm doing that more as a training run because my plan called for a 13-miler that day, so I figured might as well run the race and be supported on my "training" run. :D
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    I just entered a training program yesterday actually for a HM. I love to run, I have previously ran up to 11 miles but never attempted a HM. I'm very excited to be a part of it and can't wait to see some progress. If anyone likes to run please add me. I love to talk about running! :) Good Luck to everyone! Anything is possible all you have to do is show up! :)