Wendlers 5/3/1

Just curious to see who else is doing this programme and how you finding it?

I'm really enjoying it and just wondering how many weeks could I do it for. What else could I do after it?


  • dirtydirtysouf
    dirtydirtysouf Posts: 26 Member
    Ive been doing it for 2 plus years.....i switch between Boring But Big, Triumvirate and FSL about every 3 months......
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I am doing it right now. I do the full body training template. I like the 4 week cycle aspect and that the weight progression is slower than some of the other well known heavy lifting programs. It just fits me. My plan is to do it for at least 6 cycles, which will take me through October. After that I'll decide if I am going to stick with it longer or not.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    IMO, it's not really a program you outgrow or only do for a set period of time. Sure, some people may do it for a while then change to something else as their goals change... but 5/3/1 is a program most people can do for years, especially if they change up the accessory work from time to time. It's a strength program, and strength never goes out of style.

    If you're already looking do so something else, then you probably don't *really* understand strength programs.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    lulum1986 wrote: »
    Just curious to see who else is doing this programme and how you finding it?

    I'm really enjoying it and just wondering how many weeks could I do it for. What else could I do after it?

    after?? i don't understand. there is not really an "after" to the program. i mean, you just keep lifting weights for as long as you are interested in the program and lifting weights.

    the only reason someone would switch programs is if their goals change. but it is a very versatile program. if you pick up wendlers book, he says that this program can be built around a runners schedule, or an athlete in-season, or just a regular guy that wants to hit the weights once in a while.

    btw, a suggestion someone gave me once to increase longevity and interest in the program is to "reverse" the program a bit. so it's split into four days/movements, right? dead lifts, squats, ohp, and bench. so instead of doing your 5/3/1 of deads and then 5x10 of deads (or whatever assistance work you're doing) on the same day, you switch and do the assistance work for squats that day. and on ohp day you do bench... get it? keeps things interesting, and you are essentially hitting every major muscle group twice a week.
  • charlesmauch
    charlesmauch Posts: 58 Member
    btw, a suggestion someone gave me once to increase longevity and interest in the program is to "reverse" the program a bit. so it's split into four days/movements, right? dead lifts, squats, ohp, and bench. so instead of doing your 5/3/1 of deads and then 5x10 of deads (or whatever assistance work you're doing) on the same day, you switch and do the assistance work for squats that day. and on ohp day you do bench... get it? keeps things interesting, and you are essentially hitting every major muscle group twice a week.

    I just started doing this last cycle. It has really helped me get through the first-set-last work while feeling fresh. This is an awesome variation to the programming.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    That, and it gets you doing all of the big lifts twice a week. It might not seem like much, but it seems to help me, as well.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    So many options that it's really difficult to outgrow it. This is what I was doing before I had to sell my weight room:

  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    I've been doing for a little over a year. I do the Boring But Big program during the winter months since I am just naturally less active so I try to go into a bulk. During my running training I basically just do the main compound lifts along with some body weight exercises to keep things interesting.

    I like how all the different routines center around the 4 main compound exercises (squat, bench, military, dead) and you can tailor it depending on your goals.
  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    IMO, it's not really a program you outgrow or only do for a set period of time. Sure, some people may do it for a while then change to something else as their goals change... but 5/3/1 is a program most people can do for years, especially if they change up the accessory work from time to time. It's a strength program, and strength never goes out of style.

    If you're already looking do so something else, then you probably don't *really* understand strength programs.

    I only asked as a few people have told me you should change after a few weeks. I'm really enjoying it and happy with the programme and don't want to change. That's why I asked.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited May 2015
    I did it for 5 cycles and really liked it. I was in a deficit so I definitely stalled, but I liked the very controlled/calculated way of adding weight. I would have kept it up but I'm going into maintenance and wanted to try something new. I think I'm going to go back to running my squats, deadlifts, and bench press in the 5/3/1 format though.
  • ovidnine
    ovidnine Posts: 314 Member
    I'm doing the Boring but Big and love it. Simple yet effective.

    I haven't read beyond 5/3/1 yet and it sounds like that introduces some new takes on things.

    I have added in more accessory work than it calls for "by the program" and made some tweaks to it.

    After looking at the critique of 5/3/1 for powerlifting that makes sense but also makes me want to read Beyond 5/3/1.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I've only read the first book. I do the full body training program. My big goal this year is to stop hating squatting and finding it so difficult so I'm doing the plan that has me doing it 3x/wk. I've added in accessory work that keeps up with what I did with Strong Curves--RDLs, hip thrusts, and glute bridges at various times during the week.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am on my 8th cycle of it...since Sept of last year I think.

    I do accessories sometimes...sometimes I don't

    I like the bodyweight and Periodization one

    goals not sure...BP bw I guess...currently at 151...looking to get to 140...will be benching 130 today.

    OHP at least 100x1

    I already DL 1.5xbw and squat 1.3bw...might bump those up a bit...

    Not looking to change it any time soon as it's quick and I like it.
  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    I'll have to look at beyond 5/3/1 thanks.
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    I use it and love it. I see much better progress when in bulk mode, cutting definitely stalls lifts but a great way to keep strength.