Looking for friends to stay motivated

Torironk Posts: 7 Member
hi I'm Tori I have three small children and I never really go out. Staying at home with the kids has really put the weight on me. I have a huge weakness for chocolate, and my husband always brings something home. It's difficult to say no when it's right in your face! I am miserable with the way I look and I want to lose some weight but I need some friends for support and to stay motivated.


  • smurphsjourney
    smurphsjourney Posts: 12 Member
    My husband does the same, though 3 of 4 four are grown. Need accountability as well!
  • Jenkorp72
    Jenkorp72 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi! I'll be your cheerleader if you would like! I know exactly how you feel as I've been there myself. Let's do this together!
  • manushringi
    manushringi Posts: 9 Member
    Same story here . desperately want ro lose weight
  • holliedusteeeze
    holliedusteeeze Posts: 106 Member
    Hey were all in it together ive sent u a friend request
  • CatHunterFit
    CatHunterFit Posts: 194 Member
    I'll add you as a friend!
  • nicfitnesszone
    nicfitnesszone Posts: 115 Member
    You welcome to add me :)
  • CS0303
    CS0303 Posts: 6 Member
    HI, I also sent you a friend request. Always looking for supportive and motivational friends! :)
  • MandaAT
    MandaAT Posts: 3 Member
    I just started with MFP a couple days ago and I'd love some motvation/accountability via friends as well. I'm a mom with 3 young kids, runner, artsy lady. I'm gonna friend you guys too...feel free to accept or reject!
  • CatHunterFit
    CatHunterFit Posts: 194 Member
    If you ladies are interested, I'm part of a 5 day abs challenge group on Facebook starting on Monday. It's a great group of ladies who are supporting each other through 5 days of clean eating and exercise. Could be great motivation for those of you who want some accountability from others :)

    If you want to join the group, hit me up with a friend request/message me.