60lbs. Down

NyxPhrixus Posts: 17 Member
Over the last four years I have lost 70 lbs and have maintained 60. I'm posting this to remind myself how far I have come and to be a driving force in this next chapter. This year I will be (staying positive) losing 30-50 lbs more, toning up, and gaining strength. I also have a goal to do a 5K this fall and to own a pair of shorts! Being 5,3" I need all the leg I can show ;)


  • MariMcKeon
    MariMcKeon Posts: 46 Member
    You look great...and the loss makes your smile bigger!
  • ktorgers99
    ktorgers99 Posts: 16 Member
    You look very pretty at your heavier weight, but the new one is so much healthier in the long run. Congratulations!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Wow. What a transformation. Look at what you are accomplishing!
  • archanajoyce
    archanajoyce Posts: 219 Member
    So inspiring! You are doing fantastic :)
  • Funship
    Funship Posts: 86 Member
    Fantastic job, keep it up Girl!!! Beautiful smile.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    amazing job, well done! Any details you want to share - did you work out and what did you do?
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    You are beautiful before and after. Well done you!!! Congrats!!
  • Hollyelise1
    Hollyelise1 Posts: 9 Member
    You look wonderful! Congrats!
  • Lola2248
    Lola2248 Posts: 126 Member
    Amazing job. Congratulations to you!
  • Linovitz
    Linovitz Posts: 79 Member
    Beautiful! Great job.
  • bellabella1983
    bellabella1983 Posts: 62 Member
    Wow you look amazing :) Keep it up don't give up ... giving up results in going back in your weight and it never a good thing when you work so hard for the weight to come off and then its gained ... push yourself to keep it up..
  • NyxPhrixus
    NyxPhrixus Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2015
    Thank you all for your sweet comments!
  • NyxPhrixus
    NyxPhrixus Posts: 17 Member
    [qoute="totaloblivia;32404601"]amazing job, well done! Any details you want to share - did you work out and what did you do?[/quote]

    I work out 5-6 days a week, weight lifting first and then cardio. I take about an hour and a half at the gym. Walking to the stores locally if its not raining. Its always taken me longer to lose weight, but sticking to a schedule helps me.

    Next step is to start measuring my body to see the results rather than relying on just the scale. I use to be a size 22 and down to a 10/12 in pants now!

    Eating clean, but I haven't given up much. I never was a big junk food person or into soda. Its all in daily allotment and how much your burning. I tend to stay under 1,300 calories, burn 3,000 a week, 70 carbs, and drink mostly water. Red wine and a bit of 85% chocolate are my fixes. The more you limit yourself the better chance you have bingeing later.

    Remember any time of the day you have choices. Sit in front of the computer Vs. listen to a podcast at the gym, eating poorly at a party Vs. snacking beforehand, drinking soda Vs. unsweetened iced tea, etc. There are substitutes for almost everything food wise too. Its all about reprogramming yourself.
  • ToriJ84
    ToriJ84 Posts: 66 Member

    "Remember any time of the day you have choices. Sit in front of the computer Vs. listen to a podcast at the gym, eating poorly at a party Vs. snacking beforehand, drinking soda Vs. unsweetened iced tea, etc. There are substitutes for almost everything food wise too. Its all about reprogramming yourself. "

    You are exactly right. I have this quote on my phone...."You're either doing it or you're not." Reminds me to stay true to my goal.

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