Challenges of a new baby?

Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone want to weigh in (no pun intended.... maybe a little) on the topic of exercise after a new addition to the family? I have a 4 month old and my DH is stationed oversease, so finding ways to work out and get back in shape while taking care of the LO has been a challenge. I find walking with the stroller is tough on my shoulder, and forget running. We bought a jogger, but it went with my DH when we thought we would be joining him.... now we are not, and we are trying to find an economical way to get the jogger sent back... until then. I need ideas!

I try to get the the gym for 30 minutes a couple of days a week between the time I leave work and pick her up from day care, but I jsut HATE leaving her there that long.



  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Buy DVDs to do at home, and do them while she sleeps :)
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Also, we are in the same city :D
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    an extra 30 minutes at daycare would be a small price to pay for mommy to get healthy and happy. I could never go back to not exercising. My youngest is 3 months and oldest is 4.... we do a LOT of trips to the park...and I run 3 nights a week after my boyfriend gets home from work.

    Other than that I think a dvd program you can do at home would be the most suitable!

    Also I wear my baby more than I push him in a stroller. Its great bonding, and I am carrying an extra 17 lbs around with me when I have him strapped to my back!
  • MrsCupCakeBoyle
    MrsCupCakeBoyle Posts: 259 Member
    I do DVDS with my 2yr old and 6 month they love watching lol
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    Buy DVDs to do at home, and do them while she sleeps :)
    Exactly. My baby is 4 months old also. Dh isn't deployed (he was former military tho so I know how how stressful/tiring it can be!!) but he does work nights so with his schedule we see him 1-2 hrs a day during dinner. I have 3 kids so going to the gym is out of the question. I do TurboFire after they all go to bed. Good thing is that the longest dvd is 55 mins (shortest is 15 mins) so I really have no excuse to exercise now! Good luck, it definitely is crazier to plan a workout with kids!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    It is so hard. I feel guilty if I workout while he's awake, so I am either usually running with him in the jogger or on the treadmill when my baby goes to sleep.

    I am still trying to find balance and my baby is 9 months old.

    I have to constantly remind myself that part of the reason I strive to be healthy is for him! So just know, your baby is part of your motivation, not to mention having some "me time" to yourself is okay!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Do you have a Bjorn? You could keep up with your walks by strapping her on the front of you. My son LOVED the Bjorn! When he was old enough, I'd flip him around so he was facing forward and could see everything. They also have little baby backpacks, where you put them on your back. (keep in mind you can get either one MUCH cheaper on ebay or craigslist!)


    BACKPACK: [url=],or.r_gc.r_pw.&wrapid=tlif130589897054910&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=4565958416731128468&sa=X&ei=1m_WTajKGqPr0gGH28nCBw&ved=0CJEBEPMCMAE&biw=1003&bih=507#[/url]
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    My LO in now 9 MO old plus I have a 7YO. I don't bother with a gym membership. Would be awaste of money for me. My kids go to bed fairly ealy, the baby by 7. So I work out then. Sometimes my 7 YO plays Wii with me or I use Tae Bo DVDs or right now I am loving the Golds Gym Cardio workout or Wii. I don't burn 500 or 600 calories a day like some on here. I don't have time for all that. But I get something in everyday. It's my "ME" time and I feel better then.

    Others sa work out in the AM before kids are up, but imn\possible for me cause my baby likes to wake up at 5 or 6 AM! No matter how I try to keep him up later to sleep in longer...he is set at an early bed, early rise internal clock I think so I just go with it. I don't mind getting up early with him since I have down time in the evenings. \

    Work it in where you can....when he naps or goes to bed or if your membership has a daycare for free, utilize it. I just prefer to stay home and do it at my own pace.
  • dustflyin
    dustflyin Posts: 12
    I bought a wii to be able to do exercises that will hold my intrest and also give me a challenge at home. I am a stay at home mom, so I work out during nap times. some days are better than others, but I can usually always get at least one 20 minute circuit training session on my EA sports, zumba, or just dance game done every day.
  • seearainbow
    seearainbow Posts: 57 Member
    This has been one of my biggest challenges! I used to be able to work out when I wanted, and now with an almost 11 month old, I find myself not working out at all. He does not nap consistently during the day and never has. He may sleep for 10 minutes here and there, or every once in a while he might even nap for an hour. I put him down at the same time everyday, he just usually screams.

    Besides that, if I get a minute or a half hour, I tend to try to do things I normally can't, such as baking or dishes or other cleaning or maybe some paperwork or something I need to do.

    I work also, so a lot of days it can be work, come home, crash, sleep, repeat (those days though I usually get my exercise in at work since I'm a nurse). Right now I'm injured and not working as much though and my weight gain shows it!

    I think I may need to start exercising after my baby goes to bed. I like to go walking with him, but my wrist is injured right now and I'm not allowed to push him in a stroller. My baby sling hurts my back due to scoliosis.

    My fiance and I have a Kinect and we want to start playing it after baby goes to bed as something good to do together.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    After having my son I was up 65 lbs heavier and with his help I lost 80lb. I used his weight as resistance. You can involve the baby in your exercise and it will just be play for the baby. My son loved it. Also counting out loud with your reps will help the baby learn his or her numbers. lol Sing and just talking with the baby. Squats, lunges, raises while lying on your back and so many other exercises to do for you both to get benefits from.
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