If my abs don't hurt?

jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
I am not in great shape at all and the last couple times at the gym I have been doing some crunches, whether with the V-machine or on incline or the resistance machine and my abs just dont hurt.. I need to feel there is something under there. Surely I have some hidden right? Is there something I can do to feel a burn in the midsection?


  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    My abs didn't start to hurt until I moved to the actual weights, and away from the machines. Something about standing up while lifting and then doing the crunch machine really made me start to feel it.
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I've had days where I thought my abs were going to hurt but they actually don't. Later on though, I feel the soreness creeping in.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,228 Member
    Try planks instead.
  • strongwoman84
    strongwoman84 Posts: 71 Member
    Are you sure you are doing them correctly? Especially in the beginning I had gotten into the bad habbit of using my back to push or pull the machines instead of my abs. I had to consciously think "tighten your abs to move it..." Then I "felt the burn" and thought oh wow, there is something in there. :smile:
  • strongwoman84
    strongwoman84 Posts: 71 Member
    Try planks instead.

    I had forgotten about those... Those are killer, and I really loved those! They are now getting added to my routine. Thanks!
  • MisterSixer
    MisterSixer Posts: 37 Member
    Try russian twists with a weight or medicine ball. Pair that with leg raises and swiss ball crunches. You will definately feel it for days!
  • basschick38
    basschick38 Posts: 12
    When I've done a good ab work out in the past, my abs are definately sore. I think you may be doing them wrong, or maybe you're just not doing enough of them to make a difference. So youdon't strain your back (very common with ab exercises) ask a trainer to watch you do a few so you know you're doing them correctly. I've actually found Pilates to be the best exercise for abs anyhow. No fancy machines, just working with your body and using resistance. You'll be sore. Just be sure you lay on your tummy when you're done working your abs and them prop yourself up on your elbows, keeping your legs flat behind you. This stretches the ab muscles out after a good work and makes them feel less sore.
  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    googling planks ( I am slightly fitness challenged)
    Thanks! I think I might be using my back more than I should.. great tips!
  • MissConfidence
    try 20-30 minutes of pilates. I think you'll feel that. :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've never felt any results from using the ab machines as I think I was actually using my arms and back more than my abs.

    If you google "Biggest Loser core exercises" there's a link for a page on the prevention website with a slide show of 12 core exercises perfomed by Jillian, Bob and that blonde woman that was a trainer in the early years of BL. This is the routine I do twice a week and I definitely feel it! The only thing I tweak is the side planks - I do them from my knee instead of holding the whole side. The plan is to go whole body once I'm strong enough but when I try now, I just can't keep proper form.
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    MAchines are your problem. Think of it this way: what gets your car cleaner: a hand wash or machine? HAND WASH. Machines give WOMEN a false pretense of "this is better" but infact its to opposite. Free weights are your friend. MAchines are nice, don't get me wrong but free weights MAKE you use your muscles more and encourge the body to move more as where machines do not.
  • NWfluffy
    NWfluffy Posts: 48 Member
    Abs are the only muscle I actually have! I get best results from using the ball. A couple of suggestions: 1) sit on a large exercise ball, feet on the floor, legs at 90 degrees, hands on ears, elbows out to the sides, lie back until your torso is inline with your thighs. You'll have to roll forward a bit so more of your lower back is on the ball or you'll fall off when you try to do the sit up. :) Don't forget to squeeze the abs tight while you're doing it. 2) lie on your back on the floor and hold a large exercise ball between your knees/ankles. Your legs will be bent at about 90 degrees. Your arms should be over your head. Lift the ball up, keping your knees bent, then reach for it with your hands. Your shoulders should come off the floor when you grab the ball. Lower it until it touches the floor over your head, then return it to your legs, lower both your arms and the ball to their respective positions on the floor, then repeat 10x or as many as you can do :) Good luck!