Hi I need motivation!

Hi , 3 days in, realising I snack a lot!!


  • WSOX37
    WSOX37 Posts: 1,611 Member
    Lol add
  • becjasrio
    becjasrio Posts: 6 Member
    Add what?
  • becjasrio
    becjasrio Posts: 6 Member
    Still snacking!!
  • ricsin1
    ricsin1 Posts: 10 Member
    looks like you are snacking on the right thing! that could be a a honey bun, donut, slice of cake, ice cream bar, the list goes on and on.............. snack on the good stuff and you can almost snack all day!!!!
  • MikeLeTwigg
    MikeLeTwigg Posts: 162 Member
    I think I've snacked my way through a sack of carrots in the past week
  • KrystaBratt
    KrystaBratt Posts: 6 Member
    It's always better to be a Wonder Woman than it is to be Barbie. I tell my self that every time I pick up a weight at the gym
  • becjasrio
    becjasrio Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys! Trying to fill up on a healthy breakfast today, your support is helping already!!
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    Cucumber's not a snack, that's just grazing on minerals! Keep up the good work!
  • becjasrio
    becjasrio Posts: 6 Member
    My comment was based on me realising how much bad snacking i did as a habit, I suppose I knew I just didn't care, now there is a gap that I am filing with other things yesterday cucumber today a few strawberries! I hope I can stick to it