What is wrong with me?

Exactly 304 days ago, I set up a mission to travel 1,558.3 miles from my home to a spot on the cost in Massachusetts. I game myself 390 days to do it based on the distance I was walking for exercise at the time.

Over the last 300 days, I've gotten fitter and my daily distance has improved. I've gone from walking to jogging to cycling and lately I've been averaging 10 miles a day. Actually, for the last week, I've been cycling exactly 10 miles per day and working on improving my time and calorie burn.

So, when I went to bed last night, I had 8.8 miles left to go and was 86 days ahead of schedule. All I had to do this morning was wake up, do the same thing I do every morning and I'd be done.

So naturally, I overslept and only had time for a quick 15 minute ride before work ... which only gave me 4 miles. I still have 4.8 miles to go. So tonight, when I get home from work, I'm going to do the rest of the trip.

Unless I choke again. Which is likely because I've got this character flaw that makes me live for imperfection. It's the reason I look at my calories every night and realize I finished with 40 calories to spare .... and grab a Pay Day bar or a doughnut.

I'm going to do this. Tonight. No more procrastinating. I have to finish this mission tonight, so I can start a new one tomorrow.


  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    I know why you sabotage yourself...b/c finishing something is daunting. it means you have to start something new and set new goals. Let yourself finish and be PROUD of what you've done. it sounds awesome!! Then, give yourself a couple days of rest, set a new and exciting goal and accomplish that too! Best of luck!
  • Drakhan
    Drakhan Posts: 30 Member
    There could be something to that. I've been doing this so long and I loved seeing that long line on the map. It's going to suck to start over again and see that start flag a tenth of an inch away from my progress marker.
  • Drakhan
    Drakhan Posts: 30 Member
    Well, I figured out my new mission. I'm going to retrace the Templar's path from France to Jerusalem during the crusades. Anyone who chalks up miles is welcome to join.
  • AndiVentry
    AndiVentry Posts: 50 Member
    Did you finish last night??? I really hope so! :smiley:
  • Drakhan
    Drakhan Posts: 30 Member
    Lol. Yep and already started a new one.
  • Camarose79
    Camarose79 Posts: 86 Member
    Sounds interesting, I'm curious, do you just add your miles to a map and do a virtual trip? Are you actually travelling this trip?
  • Drakhan
    Drakhan Posts: 30 Member
    It's definitely a virtual trip on a map. I'd love to do some of these in real life but can't spare the year off work.