Paleo Diet Help

Happylybre Posts: 85 Member
am thinking to give the Paleo Diet a try.... any advice would help.....
thanks friends


  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    I bought the book Living Paleo for was an interesting read and I had every intention of giving it a try but I just couldn't live with the restrictions....I know I need to lower my carb intake, but to completely give up all grains and all dairy and sugar (not to mention, alcohol)...I just couldn't do it....I know it was supposed to be for the first 30 days that it was that strict but I was also worried about whether any weight I lost would just return as I introduced some of those things back into my I never did do the Paleo only advice would be make sure you have loads of willpower to combat the carb and sugar cravings you will probably of luck to you.....I hope you succeed!!!:)
  • kpodaru
    kpodaru Posts: 133 Member
    instead of labelling how you eat, just cut out the processed stuff and eat fresh wholesome foods that you cook. you don't have to adhere strictly to the "rules" of paleo but use them as a guideline of what to eat/what not to eat. if you follow it most of the time with the odd dairy or grain or whatever, no biggie. that's what i do - i dont eat processed stuff 99% of the time but there is the odd time that i eat some cheese. i don't call how i eat "paleo" - just healthy eating.

    the biggest thing to note that a clean diet such as this requires FOOD PREP. that means you have to cook your food instead of relying on take out/fast food/frozen food etc. i don't eat grains so i have to make everything from scratch and i'm ok with that since i enjoy baking but for some, that may be too much effort.

    that said, once you get in the habit of food prep (which i have) then it's not that big a deal and just becomes part of your daily routine.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Here's my advice/thoughts about paleo:

    1. Paleo is an eating style, it is not a weight loss method. Going paleo will not make you lose weight - you still need a calorie deficit.

    2. Paleo was developed for people with food allergies/sensitivities/digestive issues. Because of this, paleo is very restrictive, and many of the foods that are not "approved" may not be a problem for you if you do not have any food/digestive issues. It is important to consider whether cutting these foods out makes any sense for you, especially if they are foods you like and enjoy.

    3. When choosing an eating style, pick one that is compatible with your life as it is currently. Can you realistically eat paleo and have it fit easily into your life, or will this way of eating be at odds with your lifestyle? Would you have to make major changes to how you live your life in order to eat paleo, and if so, is doing this style of eating worth the effort?

    I think if this seems like something that is realistic for you, there's nothing wrong with doing it. But if it's going to cause a major upheaval in your life and end up derailing your efforts because it's unsustainable for you, you might be better off taking the aspects you like about the eating style and incorporating them into your life, and ditching the rest. You won't technically be "eating paleo," but if you manage to create a way of eating that allows you to meet your goals and makes you happy, who cares if it has a label?
  • Happylybre
    Happylybre Posts: 85 Member
    Awesome... Thanks guys... I finally learned to prep my meals so that wouldn't be a problem... I guess I'll just slow down a bit on my beans and grains intake.... I found out they add up my carbs count like crazy... and kinda make me constipated too.... so more veggies and fruits it is... thanks for all the advice.