New and need suggestions

I had my third child two and a half years ago. I can't seem to get rid of my belly fat. Any help with what/ what not to eat, also work out plans that target the mid section that I can do at home. I appreciate all suggestions!


  • justme_Ally
    justme_Ally Posts: 26 Member
    It's a long process. You need patience and determination to stay on the right path. Try the tools this website offers you. Log everything you eat, exercise even if it's only 30 min of walking each day. Just don't sit and wait for a miracle, because it won't happen. I am around a lot, you can add me and I will try to motivate you the best I can. Good luck
  • iamdianejackson
    iamdianejackson Posts: 5 Member
    Will do, I need all the motivation I can get. Thanks!
  • erikka3
    erikka3 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Diane. I feel you. My kids are 8 & 10 and I put on Haagen Dazs weight after having them and am still carrying it around. I don't mind being voluptuous, but I do mind feeling tired, so I declare that enough is enough. I'm especially motivated to be a healthy example for my children. Kids do what Mom does. So I encourage you to shed the weight with ever you put and don't put in your mouth. A tip that helped me was to drink a tall glass of water whenever I had a craving, and if I was still craving, drink another. If I was still craving, I'd have a healthy crunchy snack like carrots and hummus, or celery and pb. Hope this helps. Hugs. <3
  • iamdianejackson
    iamdianejackson Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Erikka! I hadn't thought about the fact that my belly might be what's making me feel sluggish. I also just started drinking more water, I don't like it but I downloaded a water intake app in hopes I will drink more. Thanks for the tips if you find anything else feel free to let me know and I'll try and do the same