Small Targets - Great Results

tomnev1 Posts: 184 Member
Just a quick post to say that I set myself very modest targets, 1 kg per week (about 2 lbs for my US friends). Setting this modest target has been great for my motivation. I no longer think that it's not worth my while. Even at 9pm I think "well a 30 min stroll" will help. I've already seen the news or whatever movie is on tv that might. I no longer think "my ankle twitches, I can't go" or "I'll go after the next episode of House of Cards". I've lost 5kg (about 12 pounds) in three weeks. OK it's not massive but if I lose another 5kg, I'll be edging closer towards the "normal" BMI range. But I'm not thinking that far ahead. Right now I'm thinking "By 14th May, I want to lose 1 more kg, that's all." Next week, I'll set a new goal.

I hope this helps somebody.


  • elemkc
    elemkc Posts: 43 Member
    That's fantastic. Smaller goals are probably more likely to stay off in the long run. Keep up the great work!!
  • Rhapsody44
    Rhapsody44 Posts: 5 Member
    What would you say is helping you the most? Did you change your diet drastically or is it that night time stroll you are taking instead of taking the couch?
    You are doing great!
  • tomnev1
    tomnev1 Posts: 184 Member
    Didn't change too much. The main thing was that I honestly tracked every piece of food and that I set small goals. I think setting the small goals kept me motivated to be more honest in my tracking. Today for example (it's lunchtime here) and I've already had a sausage bacon brioche, and a Milky Way Crispy I know that I only have 700 calories to play with when I get home. I do know that if I cycle for just 30 minutes tonight, it will add 300 more calories. A 30 min cycle sounds so much less daunting than most other exercise. I might go for a 1 hour walk instead.
    In reality, the ONLY change I made was to set the goal. Once I kept that in mind, the rest took care of itself.