Need A Kick...


Would anyone be able to add me on MFP? After nearly three years, I am literally 4lb away from my overall target and for the last six weeks (or so) have been putting on a 1lb one week, then losing it the next, and so on and so forth.

I really need people to just watch my diary and if you think I'm not having enough, or too much of the wrong foods etc, to give me a friendly nudge.

Thanks in advance.


  • Zechariahblack
    Zechariahblack Posts: 17 Member
    Salt is your enemy - you can gain/loose as much as 5lbs IN A DAY (in water gain/loss) because of your salt intake. If you are "literally" 4lb away from your goal then set a new goal that is "literally" 5lbs lighter than that - then when you are consistently at that weight monitor your salt intake and see what the scale tells you.

    The other thing to consider here is that the scale is "the prince of lies" - a tape measure is a much better friend!

    Good luck!