IBS stomach spasms when exercising or eating too healthy

I have suffered with IBS now for 16 years and when I eat healthier or exercise I suffer from stomach spasms - rather painful and embarrassing. Has anyone dealt with this and if so what can u suggest Doc gave me two different tablets however I really didn't want to rely on pill popping to be healthier. Also I have to limit fruit and veg as that sets it off because of the large intake of water which defies the point of eating healthy :neutral: thanks x


    AMRROL Posts: 168 Member
    Interesting. I have had a similar problem and tried the pills for stomach motility that my doctor prescribed. They did not work. I don't know if you have the constipation IBS or the diarrhea IBS, but my pharmacist recommended a sachet of Lactulose once a day for a few days. That seemed to help me greatly in relieving the gas and reducing the stomach spasms. Each person is individual and what worked for me may not work for you. Good luck.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member

    I suffer with IBS too- it's mostly stress-related but certain foods can set it off too. I get the constipation type and take a stoll softener (Dulcoease). I tried lactulose and ...... it wasn't a happy experience. I tried anti-spasmodics from the docs too- but they did'nt do anything (Buscopan etc.).

    The food that sets it off for me is:
    - bannana (I can manage about 1/2 at a time once or twice a week)
    - coffee (though I seem to have built up a tollerenace)
    - bread and grains

    I avoid grains now in anything but minute quantities and I feel so much better.

  • shorehaminx
    shorehaminx Posts: 11 Member
    I suffer with constipation normally but the spasms mean I am stuck to the toilet for hours - yup doctor gave me Buscopan and Peppermint Oil - Grapes are a nightmare for me, I cant eat a lot of fruit which is annoying. I suffered really bad last year and it stopped me dieting I couldn't deal with it every time I exercised x
  • runmama411
    runmama411 Posts: 162 Member
    edited May 2015
    Ohhhhh yeaaahhhhh. Awesome stuff, right? My Rx meds didn't help - but these combos do: Imodium for the diarrhea; GasX for the cramping and mucous gas bombs. Sorry for the TMI, but let's be real.

    I find that reduced fat anything makes it worse. Also, I need to watch the amount of lettuce intake. Maybe once a day is good, then I need broccoli or kale or some other green roughage. Also, try eating CLEAN! No fake crap. Stay far from processed stuff. This has helped me so much.

    Good luck - friend me if ya want someone who gets it. Lol
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I did the low FODMAP's diet several weeks ago to see if I could pinpoint exactly which foods were causing me issues and I have to say, it helped me immensely. I also learned that there are some fruits and vegetables that I can tolerate raw but some I can only tolerate if they're cooked and still others that I just can't eat (cauliflower for example). You might try a food diary if you haven't already done it to see if you can pinpoint what works and what doesn't. I have IBS-D and feel like I have a new lease on life. I'm still learning what I can tolerate and what I can't but it's been so worth it for me! I can actually go to the gym and run on the treadmill without worrying that I'm going to embarrass myself. ;)
  • Ellst85
    Ellst85 Posts: 30 Member
    I really feel your pain- I have UC and when I started exercising I was constantly worrying about something terrible happening!!
    Unfortunately is one of the things I've learnt is that everyone is different in what they can and can't tolerate. All the bumph says to stay away from fruit and veg because of the fibre but I find that the least amount of time something stays in my body the less gassy and gross- it's different for anyone.
    With regards to exercise what about just doing walking and kind of moderate exercise? I myself find any strenuous cardio sets off a terrible state of affairs but I can handle walking/cycling and weights.
    Maybe a food diary may help? Sorry it's not all that helpful but try not to get too stressed out about it it's about you and learning what's best for you.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 674 Member
    My GI doc suggested the fodmap elimination a couple weeks ago, and I already gurgle and bloat less. But it hasn't done anything for the pain yet, and they found a problem with my gallbladder last week, so I'll have to fine tune my diet even more after I have it removed before I start adding things back in.

    I've also been in pain for fifteen years. One doctor told me that she could order more tests, but I'm always going to be sick, so I should just deal with the pain. It makes sense that half of the pain would be related to how hypersensitive I am because I am hard on myself, so I'm also adding yoga and meditation. It's hard work changing how I live my life, but hard change is better than hard pain.
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Hiya I've got ibs c. I am in agony and look 8 months pregnant if I eat onions and red meat. The mint capsules gave me the worst heartburn imaginable but fresh mint from my garden with hot water and a slice of lemon soothes my tummy

    I had lactulose and Senna last night as I hadn't been all week and it's like Windy City. My poor family!
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    I had IBS/diarrhea for years and lost so much weight because I was afraid to eat anything for fear of setting up camp in the bathroom. Mine was stress-related and also somewhat dairy related; I had to learn what I could and could not eat to control symptoms. Because I had the diarrhea type, I increased fiber. I also tried pure peppermint oil and had some success (Altoids are made with pure peppermint oil, FYI). You know what else is an intestinal mucosal relaxant? Blackberry brandy. I had a nip every once and a while and it helped! I'm much better now and my symptoms are pretty much controlled. I also had success working with a naturopathic doctor. Good luck, feel better.