How do you make yourself drink more water?



  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    2 things - on the faucet water filter so never have to mess with buying bottled water (or having the excuse to not drink when they run out), and a 32oz water bottle that stays with me all day.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Use a straw. Seriously. I can down 3 cups (as much as my bottle holds) in an hour.
  • jhamptonsleboda
    jhamptonsleboda Posts: 23 Member
    My workplace gave us all 16oz tumblers to reduce waste--I set up a recurring reminder on my calendar to drink+refill twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon, so I'm getting 128oz per work day (works out to 1 cup an hour). This way, I not only drink my water but I also remember to get up and walk around a bit during the day (even if it's just down the hall to the water dispenser).
  • badgermama220
    badgermama220 Posts: 22 Member
    I have a straw type water bottle that I keep right next to me on my desk. I use the Aldi's brand of Mio water flavor squiters, I've also liked their indiviual Crystal Lite type packets in the past.
    Whenever I'm hungry, fidgety, bored, or gathering my thoughts, I take a sip. It's become habit now, but there was time when it was difficult. I just had to keep reminding myself, and being conscious about it.
  • alt5057
    alt5057 Posts: 62 Member
    I've started doing fruit infused water. Add fruit and water to a bottle the night before and let it infuse overnight...and then add water to the fruit when it is empty throughout the day. Its not as strong, but still flavored.
  • jjkoba81
    jjkoba81 Posts: 33 Member
    I had such a problem with this, no matter what I did I could just not get myself to drink more water. I'm all about iced coffees though, what ended up working for me is that on a whim I bought this clear hard plastic cup from Starbucks that looks like a regular version of their plastic cups. For some reason having the straw, and always having it full of ice has done the trick. I'm never without this cup of water now. Not saying it will work for you too but for me the combination of it always being ice cold and having a straw is what worked for me.
  • mochapygmy
    mochapygmy Posts: 2,123 Member
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    andrikosDE wrote: »
    When I used to live in the US I absolutely despised drinking water, so I drowned myself in diet pepsi/coke...
    A truly terrible habit and feeling.

    Since I moved to Germany 3.5 years ago, I discovered that their water is mostly carbonated and from mineral sources and super cheap!

    They have 3 varieties of mineral water: Classic (full on carbonated). medium and still.

    I've become addicted to the classic mineral water and I drink at the very least 2 liters a day (average about 3).

    This is when I realized that the only reason I drank coke was because of the bubbles, not the "flavor".
    I don't remember the last time I had a soda.

    I missed my daily carbonated water when I lived in the states (I'm from Germany). I was never able to get used to just plain water so I always mixed it with a little bit of apple or cranberry juice. Just recently did I notice that tab water (which is safe to drink straight from the faucet almost everywhere in Germany) is much better for my stomach and doesn't leave me as bloated. Now I always have a huge jug of lemon infused tab water in my fridge. I fill up my 19oz bottle up to 6 times a day. It really helps that it has a straw. For some reason I drink way more out of this bottle than I do if I drink out of a cup or a regular bottle.

    There are appliances that will carbonate whatever beverage you like. Soda stream and others so you can have your carbonated water again!
  • SaraSteeves1993
    SaraSteeves1993 Posts: 87 Member
    Sometimes ill buy flavored carbonated water. My local grocery store sells them they are all natural so no weird chemicals to make it taste good. The lemon and lime are similar to Sprite(less sweet ) . It makes it easier to drink water
  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member
    mochapygmy wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    andrikosDE wrote: »
    When I used to live in the US I absolutely despised drinking water, so I drowned myself in diet pepsi/coke...
    A truly terrible habit and feeling.

    Since I moved to Germany 3.5 years ago, I discovered that their water is mostly carbonated and from mineral sources and super cheap!

    They have 3 varieties of mineral water: Classic (full on carbonated). medium and still.

    I've become addicted to the classic mineral water and I drink at the very least 2 liters a day (average about 3).

    This is when I realized that the only reason I drank coke was because of the bubbles, not the "flavor".
    I don't remember the last time I had a soda.

    I missed my daily carbonated water when I lived in the states (I'm from Germany). I was never able to get used to just plain water so I always mixed it with a little bit of apple or cranberry juice. Just recently did I notice that tab water (which is safe to drink straight from the faucet almost everywhere in Germany) is much better for my stomach and doesn't leave me as bloated. Now I always have a huge jug of lemon infused tab water in my fridge. I fill up my 19oz bottle up to 6 times a day. It really helps that it has a straw. For some reason I drink way more out of this bottle than I do if I drink out of a cup or a regular bottle.

    There are appliances that will carbonate whatever beverage you like. Soda stream and others so you can have your carbonated water again!

    I'm back in Germany now so plenty of carbonated water but now I actually prefer tap water ;) I still bough it every once in a while just didn't have it in the house at all times like we do here.
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    kr1stadee wrote: »
    Use a straw. Seriously. I can down 3 cups (as much as my bottle holds) in an hour.

    YES, a straw. If I'm at home, I have a cup by the sink and every time I go in I have a glass. I also have a glass before I dish up each meal, and if I grab a diet soda, I drink water first.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    I currently have a 24oz Tervis Tumbler on my desk with ice cubes, water, and pieces of watermelon. It's delicious. Sometimes I use fresh mint, strawberries, lemon, cucumber, etc.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Flavour it with three espresso shots!

    More seriously I only have one or two good coffees a day and they *do* count as water.

    We all get water from the foods we eat too. Eight glasses shouldn't be seen as a strict rule. Color of urine is probably a better guide.
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    I fill up a liter size bottle with water each morning and make myself drink it with breakfast and finish it before I can have my unsweet tea I buy every morning. Then the rest of the day I make sure to drink water with my meals because I drink A LOT when I eat, basically 4 drinks per bite of food.
  • snoringcat
    snoringcat Posts: 131 Member
    edited May 2015
    I don't. I drink when I'm thirsty. This '8 glasses a day' thing is a myth. The body has a perfectly good homeostatic mechanism when it comes to maintaining fluid balance. it's called 'thirst'.
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    I have a gallon jug at my desk that has lines for every three hours or so. I try to keep on schedule with it and it helps. Drinking a lot of water really helps me to feel better I've noticed, especially when I'm working out.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    We don't need that much water per day. It's a myth.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited May 2015

    I think it is that freakin Water Consumption icon that makes me want to "drink up" all that H2O. I do count any type of liquid as part of my daily goal be it coffee, seltzer, almond milk or plain ole water. I also understand that many of our foods that we consume contain substantial amounts of liquid. My main goal is to remain well hydrated as part of the weight loss journey that I am on.
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    Before I was at the point that I craved fluid regularly (and when I sometimes fall off track because life tends to get in the way for any of us), I always started my day with a tall glass of water before breakfast, and then another tall glass per meal. Sometimes I substitute tea for water, but I try not to do this for every serving of fluid I should be having, as tea is a diuretic. That said, if I do drink nothing but tea all day, I haven't noticed any repercussions, but I'd still rather play it safe. Also though, my tea doesn't really burn up my calories because I only use 2/3 cup of sugar per gallon (about 65 calories per tall glass/two cups).
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I have a bad habit of drinking like half a cup and that's it for me besides my coffee (which counts as water). Now I keep a 32 oz bottle next to me all the time. I only make myself drink it, because I will get headaches and sick if I don't. You really don't need to drink crazy amounts, as someone else pointed out. I like to drink till my pee is clear.
  • losergood2011
    losergood2011 Posts: 172 Member
    I read that you take a drink everytime you go to the bathroom (when you get back to your office etc) that has helped me so much!!