
I am trying so hard to lose weight to feel better about myself and my health. My problem is commitment to things. I have a weakness for sweets I don't know how to break. I gained most of my weight during my pregnancy and managed to lose a lot of it but gained it back in my second pregnancy (after we lost it) I could not get the weight off it has stuck here for about a year and I find nothing to stick to. I need motivation, drive and support


  • cdlee05
    cdlee05 Posts: 718 Member
    you can stick with it! Just try to crush one day at a time...days will eventually turn into weeks, and weeks will turn into a month and before you know it you'll be looking back on 6 months of commitment! Looked at your profile and it says you want to get ready for bikini season? Well, bikini season will come whether you get ready for it or not so I say why not be ready for it! Good luck :smile:
  • otey743
    otey743 Posts: 153 Member
    You can do it . It's a mental thing , willpower. Once you start it just becomes 2nd nature. My wife's in the same boat as far as pregnancy weight . She struggles at times but just remember be the best you can be . There is no try just get it .